Chapter 7

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Camp Half-Blood, Lia's POV

It wasn't till we were walking away from Camp when I realized we forget to think about something.

"So... How are we getting to this Roman camp place?" I asked, turning to the other two.

"I don't know, how are we going to get to Camp Jupiter, quest leader?" The only guy of the team scoffed, giving me a look that was somewhere between disinterest and annoyance.

"Lia, you have a phone, right?" I felt a tap on my shoulder, looking down at Fawn. I nodded, and she continued. "Let's get to the nearest checkpoint, then you can get an Uber to bring us to the city. We can get some sort of transportation while we're there. I'll pay." She held up a credit card before slipping it back in the small bag she was carrying. It was rather... Odd that such a young kid had a credit card.

"You two better keep up then." Nico strode ahead of us, not bothering to look back. I looked at Fawn, both of us shrugging as we followed.

~~~ This is definitely an interesting team. ~~~


"I already said there is no problem using the money, come on!"

"We are not going on a plane."

"Someone seems to be scared of airplanes." I leaned against a wall, joining in on the argument while people continued bustling around us.

"You wouldn't either if your uncle is ready to shoot you down the moment the airplane sets off. We are finding some other form of transportation, or this entire quest is a fail." Nico responded, giving me a death glare.

You know how people are fearful of a glare, and that's why they call it a death glare? Yeah, none of those compare to this guy. I feel like I'm about to die because of that look. Who knows, maybe I am?

I raised my hands in self-defense "Truce, truce. What do you suggest we do then?"

He rolled his eyes "I don't know. A train, another roomy car, you guys choose."

"Boat?" Fawn chirped in again.


"Should we just get on a bus that'll get us out of town and headed in the right direction?" I suggested.

"Fine. Look it up and find one that can get us as close to our destination as possible." He sat down, watching me.

~~~ Hello again. All this arguing is probably boring, so let's skip a bit, shall we? ~~~

I figured out by the fourth bus to find a seat behind Nico before I had to awkwardly sit with him staring me down, waiting as I searched the next bus we would take.

I had also figured out that Fawn must be from some sort of fairly wealthy family, considering she waved off any offer that suggested walking more for a cheaper price.

Apparently irritated by not getting the seat in the far back, Nico started pacing up and down the center of the empty bus, looking deep in thought. Fawn laid back in one of the seats, closing her eyes and humming to whatever music was going through her earbuds. Sounded like a familiar tune, but I couldn't quite pin it down while looking for our next bus. We wouldn't be stopping for many miles, but if I didn't at least act like I was looking up the bus, I had the feeling I would be forced to walk for quite a while.

"Instead of looking up the next bus, perhaps look up a hotel near where we'll be dropped off?" I looked up as Nico finally sat down in front of me, leaning back in the chair.

"First the buses, now a hotel?"

"Would you like me to take the phone and look it up?" I felt my breath catch before it turned into a yawn, which made me realize how tired I was.

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