Chapter 1

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Camp Half-Blood, Lia's POV

Let me just make it clear that I have no clue what is going on.

Not like that is much of a surprise, considering that especially in school, I definitely don't have a clue what is going on, but in this case, I seriously have no clue what is going on.

"Summer camp will be loads of fun! Especially in New York. Who knows, maybe you'll meet someone special just like how I met your dad." Mom had said.

Sure, it probably would have been fun if my bus hadn't been attacked by a huge dog. Which would have been fine if it was just a regular sized large dog that just wanted attention. Not a 10 foot tall dog trying to kill me.

Well, me and the stranger that had been sitting in the seat behind me. Still don't know his name, but considering that he saved my life by getting me out of that bus, I probably should learn it soon.

Since I'm winded, I can't really gather my thoughts on the last what, 30 minutes? All I know is someone we couldn't see managed to kill the crazy dog, and left behind a feather that the man seemed to think was important.

Well, since apparently the guy at the top of the Hill recognizes it, it probably is important.

I looked between the two, black spots suddenly coming into my vision as I muttered "I think I'm going to sleep now..."

I might have blacked out before I finished that sentence.

~~~ You'd think as the primordial of time, I, Chronos, would have a better job than doing silly time skips for this story. Boredom truly does get the best of us all ~~~

This is an odd dream. It doesn't feel like a dream, but rather like I'm seeing something real.

Some man was talking to himself in front of me. He's probably crazy, considering it seemed as if there were two totally different sides to him arguing. He was also obsessively organizing a bunch of books on a shelf.

"You must stop focusing on that girl so much. She's unimportant to making everything purpose, so you mustn't go through such efforts to get her to come to you! She isn't even alive!"

"She is alive! I know she is, I overheard that death kid talking about how he couldn't find any of them in Hades' realm!"

"Focus you stupid, imperfect boy! You're lucky I allowed such a failure to hold my power!" The man's face scrunched, switching two of the books around.

"Just wait. I'll prove to you I am not a failure."

~~~ Creepy, huh? ~~~

By the time I woke up, I was very hungry.

I sat up, looking around the small, unrecognizable area I was in. It appeared to be some sort of medical room, considering the multiple beds around me with people who appeared to be injured in them. Maybe I was just in a car crash and sent to the hospital?

I sat up, yawning before looking at my arms. A few scratches, but nothing major. I thought over the odds dreams I had last night, the psychotic guy and the dog chasing after me...

Wait... That pain wasn't there before the bus incident. I pulled the sheets off, looking down at my ankle, which was in some sort of brace.

Well, shoot. I was almost killed by a huge, fluffy dog. I thought dogs were supposed to be nice.

A door creaked open near me, a familiar person walking in, the one with brown, curly hair that had helped me when the dog attacked. He gave me a lopsided grin, walking over.

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