Chapter One | Taking Time Off

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It was a quiet and peaceful afternoon in Shizume city, The sky was tinted with a deep orange that blended down into a light yellow surrounding what was left of the sun. All seemed so very peaceful outside, But it was a busy day for one young woman whom was inside waiting for her next order from her commander or better known as her king. The woman straightened up her posture as she stood near the conference room, Keeping guard in case of any suspicious activities.

She had been standing in the same spot for quiet sometime now, She began to wonder if everyone just secretly left through a back entrance or maybe, Just maybe they had fallen asleep. But she knew her captain far too well, The blue tinted raven-haired male wouldn't dare allow his subordinates to just slack off or let alone himself for that matter.

Although, Just as she was about to place her hand onto the knob of the door and wrap her fingers lightly around the knob it slightly jerked causing her to stiffen up again and resume her position. But her posture eased down when she noticed it was a young raven-haired male who held an unamused yet cold expression upon his face.


The blue eyed woman would say the male's name with slight confusion before continuing to speak.

"Shouldn't you be in the conference as well?"

Her tone sounded cold and firm when she spoke before the young teen, Though to Saruhiko it seemed to be just the usual.

"There finishing I took this time to excuse myself from the conversation. Since I found myself being there wasn't really beneficial. Also, It was pointless information."

Saruhiko spoke bluntly and unenthusiastic as usual before he decided to walk to the side while he placed his hand over the handle of his sword which was encased in it's casing that was also strapped to his hip.

"Hm- So I take it that the captain gave you permission to excuse yourself?"

The woman would state back in return to only get a single nod from the raven-haired male. The door soon opened again causing the two to turn their attention to the door and in front of them stood a tall young but older looking male with deep dark blue hair and violet eyes that were protected by the clear lenses of the glass on his glasses. This tall young man was none other than the captain himself,

Munakata Reisi.

"Ah, Good to see you stood your place. Mrs. Awashima."

The older male's calm tone filled voice soared through the air like a gentle breeze while his expression held calmness and a hint of slyness behind those single violet toned paired eyes. Awashima would salute her captain before speaking.

"Yes, Sir. As you requested."

The blond would finish her sentence with a stiff but straight stance as she kept eye contact with the older male in front of her. Reisi would softly smile as he looked to Saruhiko and responded.

"I assume you will be off soon as well? Saruhiko Fushimi."

Saruhiko would sigh a bit as he fixed his glasses from sliding off of the bridge of his nose and soon he gave a blank yet rather bored filled response.

Red Wine & Blue Eyes [Seri-X-Izumo] | PAUSEDWhere stories live. Discover now