Chapter Five | Patience

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After a nights worth of relaxation with the young beautiful woman of perhaps his greatest dreams, The bartender managed to clean up some of his bar before heading to his room to sleep until the next day.

The next few days however, Seemed nearly normal as ever. Typical rebellious clansmen being who they are, Causing mischief and head-aches. Aside from little Anna and well...perhaps a bit of Totsuka as that guy was hardly anything of trouble really. All the kid was good at was causing head-aches because of his reckless kind hearted deeds and actions perhaps as really...the guy was too good for his own good.

Though every time he is told that, He believes it to be just some kind of say as he was not afraid of seeming too good as he was always one who believed in doing what was right and especially believing things in others that they may not believe in within themselves. The red king for an example, A man who was known to be a living ticking time bomb was actually rather...tamed in ways by this kid.

He certainly was something for sure.

Overall, This group of clansmen and his king may be a head-ache and a half but being the oldest of the group, He was kind of this 'dad friend' to them so to speak as the hazel eyed mid-twenty aged male may had been strict and commanding at times with the group but he got things done and certainly did care for his friends. Including his troublesome king of which he knew may be silent and hot-headed but dangerous as well and that...felt quite concerning.


One morning, While the bartender of Homra was cleaning up and preparing to start opening up his bar as usual around 6:20. A familiar blonde haired female had began making her way over to the entrance to the bar as the bartender seemed to have had his back faced away from the young lieutenant until she decided to speak up.

"Mister, Kusanagi Izumo or shall I say, Homra's personal baby-sitter?"

As the young female's mid-toned womanly voice flowed through the air to seep into the older male's ears like honey, The dirty blonde male would seem to tense from head to toe before shuttering off his surprise to soon turn his head to look over his left shoulder in a fairly nervous manner.

"Yikes, You nearly gave me a heart attack over there. Say..."

The older male would seem to start questioning now as he turned to face towards the young female before him as he shifted his hazel toned gaze from left to right to keep watch for any of the red clansmen snooping around.

"You should not really be here at the moment...I would not want you to risk getting jumped by one of our clansmen. Give me around six minuets to lock up and I could meet you back at your place...yeah?"

The bartender would calmly speak as he looked back to the younger individual before him who stood before him with ease as her blue toned gaze locked with his hazel toned orbs for perhaps the millionth time within the past few weeks they spoke with each other and each time, It felt as if the air around them had grown light and foggy as if they where caught in some sort of dream perhaps.

"I am aware of the situation I am placing myself in right now...but I would like to ask you if I may be able to come over to your place instead as right now..? My place is a bit far from this area and I thought to have a casual talk with you inside and have a drink or two if I may."

Red Wine & Blue Eyes [Seri-X-Izumo] | PAUSEDWhere stories live. Discover now