Chapter Four | Shall We Dance?

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After the two individuals had finished their meals and shared a bit of small chit chat for a few hours, Even though Izumo seemed to had been more of the talker throughout the night rather than the young lieutenant. A sudden question seemed to slide past the bartender's soft fair toned lips as he began to slide himself up from his seat to make his way over towards the young female before him as a calmed but classical song began to chime throughout the whole restaurant.

"Shall I be excused from our lovely conversation to allow myself to ask a beauty such as yourself if I could take this dance or would that be crime?"

The dirty blond male would seem to chime in a calmed yet charming manner as he held a soft smile upon his face as he continued to hold out his out stretched hand for the young female to take hold of as Seri was drawn back a bit by the man's sudden request but giving it only a brief thought, She returned the rather kind gentlemen like male a calmed smile of her own in return as she gently took hold of his given hand.

"I believe me being here has caused me to commit a crime already, Though I am perfectly fine to turn a blind eye."

"Heh, How kind of you to do so. Now then, Allow me to return the favor."

With the two exchanging words, The bartender would seem to swoop the young lieutenant up off of her seat to calmly slide her out towards the middle of the spaced out area in the large dinning room, Their feet gently gliding across the polished wooden flooring as the bartender walked while the young lieutenant was simply dragged along though not forcefully but rather gently until they both seemed to be standing directly in the middle of the spaced area of the rather lage room.

However, That sudden lack of movement had not lasted long as the dirty blond male began to move his feet yet again, Causing the young female to follow along until the two began to waltz across the room with ease. Though as they danced along with the music that seemed to course deeper throughout their souls as they continued to move.

Gentle twirls being followed by short yet small dips, To even the space between them being closed in more and more as time seemed to pass. Eventually bringing the two of their bodies at a rather close position as they continued to waltz, Seri could not help but to wonder though as they danced so casually.

'What is this..?'

The young bondie's deep blue toned gaze seemed to find itself staring up into a pair of soften gazed hazel orbs in return, Causing her usual strong heart that would seem to close out the warm filled invasion of her own feelings to pass through to suddenly pace with perhaps many emotions that even she herself may not fully understand.

"Mrs, Lieutenant Awashima Seri."

The bartender's smooth filled tone would seem to calmly speak towards the shorter individual before him as his gaze never seemed to brake away from her own, Even when she began to address the man in a calmed manner in return.

"Yes...Kusanagi, Izumo? Bartender and right hand man of Homra."

Upon the young woman addressing the older individual in such a manner, Izumo could not help but to allow a soft chuckle to escape past his lips before he seemed to easily compose himself as he gently raised his arm up to twirl Seri around before pulling her close to him again.

Red Wine & Blue Eyes [Seri-X-Izumo] | PAUSEDWhere stories live. Discover now