Chapter 1

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You were at the bar, wearing your F/C dress
You hear some people come in, obviously drunk
There was a man about your height, with a slight accent
There was another man, with fluffy hair tied up and freckles all over his face
And two other men, one tall with a bandana, and another, he wasn't drunk.
He had fluffy hair up in a bun and a thick French accent.
You almost melted at his brown, warm eyes and his tan skin.

You broke out of your daydream phase with him walking over to you, smiling.
"Pardon me, miss, but are you okay? You were staring at me and my friends over there.." he chuckled soon after saying that. "O-Oh, sorry, I didn't realize I was daydreaming" you blushed. He chuckled once more and said " you know, you are pretty adorable when you blush. My name is Marquis de Lafayette,  and you are?"
"Y/N L/N, and thank you. " you blushed once more. He motioned you over to his friends soon after walking over there. You followed and the drunken men all said at once " who's the * hic * lady frieennnddd?" Lafayette blushed as well as you did. He spoke while pointing at each of them " This is Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, and Hercules Mulligan." Hercules came over to you and picked you up soon sitting you on his shoulders, you laughed as Lafayette chuckled. " Welcome to the * hic * club miss Y/N " Hercules soon spoke. Putting you down and spinning you.

Competition {Lafayette x Reader x Hercules Mulligan} |DISCONTINUED|Where stories live. Discover now