03 | raven

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Lizzy | unknown number

Dang that's rough. Clearly, dude, you're doing something wrong.

But, what? They seem like they like me but then they throw me in the trash once the night's over.

I don't know. Do you look funny?

I mean, I'm pretty thin and scrawny but I play basketball. Shouldn't that get the ladies?

Thin and scrawny could be the deal breaker. You sound like a freaking scarecrow.

My brother never had any trouble getting girls. I swear, one word and they were draped all over them like my bros were the newest lipstick or clothing line or something. I say one word and they shun me like the plague. That's why I only try to pick up girls at parties, when they're just the right amount of tipsy that we can carry on a conversation but they don't run away from me.

The only diagnosis that I can come up with is that (1) you're ugly af (2) you're extremely socially awkward that girls just cringe away (3) you've broken a girl's heart and no other girl wants their hearts broken (4) your brothers were players and now you're facing the wrath of their legacy (5) a rumor has been spread about you that you're terrible in bed.

I think it might be a mixture of all of those things.

Wait, are you serious? I was only joking.

Except I think the rumor that's going around is that I have an STD.

Oh my god, you're serious.

I am Sirius.

I am kinda a geek too, I guess.

You're a Potterhead? What house????

Don't laugh. I'm a Hufflepuff.

AWWWWWWWW, adorbs.

This is why I don't tell people.

Your house?


Ah, so you're the cliché house.

It's not cliché!

Harry, Hermione, and Ron were all Gryffindor. And they're the main characters of the whole series.

You're just jealous of my bravery and awesomeness.

You're just jealous of me kindness and...

Fine. I guess Gryffindor is pretty cool.

Hey, um, whoever you are, text me back? I like talking to you :) er, texting with you.

I have school you know.

Oh wait, I should've have told you that. You could be an axe murderer for all I know.

It's okay, lol. I have school too. We're allowed to have our phones out in between classes (and if you're slick enough, during classes).

Woah, troublemaker.


So, what's your name?


Why should I tell you that, axe murderer?

Hey, you could be a creepy forty year old man for all I know.

Right back at you.

Okay, so I guess we're saving the "name revelation" for later, then?

Sure, why not?

I'll just call you...Rosie (until I know your real name)

And I'll call you...Mario.

On second thought, I'll call you Peach.


What happened with that girl?  The one whose heart you broke?

It's not a very interesting story.

I still want to hear it.

Fine.  Sorry if I bore you to death.

Pretty sure I'm bored to death every day in class.

True.  Okay, here goes nothing.

So I dated this girl for, like, a year and a half.  It was going really well.  I loved her, she loved me.  The usual romance.  But then she was getting all serious.  We talked about our wedding, how many kids we were going to have, if we should go to the same college together.  I got totally freaked out with all of that future stuff and I broke up with her.  She cried for days, and she was on the volleyball team so they all heard her sob story and rumors broke out about what a jerk I was.

But I was honestly just so scared.  I was only in high school, and I didn't feel ready for any of that kind of commitment.  You understand, don't ya, Peach?

Peach understands.  Peach feels sad for Mario.

It's all right.  Mario doesn't need your pity.

What about you?  Any hearts that you've broken?

None, whatsoever.  It's hard to when I've never had a boyfriend before.

Shit, now you can assume I'm a girl.

Don't worry, I'm not going to assume your gender, but...are you a girl? That would be really awkward if you weren't because I just named you Peach.

Fine, yes, I am. Are you a boy?

Yes, I am.

You could be lying for all I know, but I'm going to trust you for now.

Same here. :) Look, I gotta go. I need some sleep after you rudely awoke me last night.

Okay. Sorry about that by the way.

Good night, Peach.

Night, Mario.

Another chapter cranked out! This one is all texts between Lizzy and the unknown number. Let me know your thoughts and give it a vote if you enjoyed!

- Payton

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