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Lizzy | Mario

           LIZZY had returned to her favorite place—the land of dreams where the impossible becomes possible. Blankets enveloped her frame like a cloud of smoke. A wild storm whirled outside, thunder booming—a baritone voice—and lightning flickering—a camera flash. Lizzy was completely unaware of the chaos just beyond her window. Her room was a bubble of peace, which unfortunately was destined to be popped at any moment.

           Her phone buzzed on the nightstand beside her, its screen illuminating with a notification before darkening when it realized that Lizzy wasn't going to check it. Another message arrived just as another clap of thunder shook the house. Lizzy mumbled a little in her sleep and flipped on her side, still dwelling in some dream that she was bound to forget by morning. A third buzz chimed through, right when the storm was at a short lull. Lizzy opened her eyes and blinked, groaning aloud in annoyance.

           "People need to learn to respect my beauty sleep," she voiced to her phone on the nightstand. If phones had expressions, Lizzy could've sworn that it would be rolling its eyes at her and shrugging with indifference. "Don't judge me," she scolded it before realizing suddenly that she was talking to a phone and that was a sure sign that she was going crazy.

           "Well, it's not my fault," Lizzy reassured herself. "Whoever texting me right now—it's their fault." She reached over and grabbed the nuisance, the name Mario appearing on the screen. Lizzy slapped her forehead, irritated at herself now; she had completely forgotten about her promise to text him later when her homework was finished.

           After Lizzy's parents had their discussion in the living room, they rejoined their children at the dining room table. Uncomfortable silence descended upon them like a fog, thick enough that it was difficult to express anything out loud. Finally, their mother elaborated on the situation while endeavoring to be as vague as possible. "Patrick and your father won't be working together anymore. He decided to quit this afternoon. He advised your father to do the same." Lizzy and Logan both knew that there was more to the story but they kept quiet and everyone finished their dinner without another exchange of words.

           Instantly after supper, Lizzy headed straight to bed, the apprehension in the atmosphere still tangible. She could tell by her parents constant glances at each other that they wanted some alone time to deliberate the situation further. Logan, too, seemed to receive that silent message and he vanished within his bedroom.

           Anyway, with all that unusual drama, texting Mario had utterly flown over Lizzy's head and now here he was, double-checking to make sure she was all right. How sweet of him, Lizzy thought to herself before opening the messages.

           Hey, Peach? I know it's late but you didn't text me back. You're not avoiding me, right?

           JK, I would be fine with it if you were.

           Actually no, I wouldn't be. I would be sad.

           Relax, big baby, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere except to bed.

           Oops, I forgot that you hate it when people wake you up.

           Ugh. If there's one rule to being my friend, it's that you should never wake me up.

           What about food? Usually there's some sort of food rule.

           I guess you're right. You must get me food and let me have sleep.

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