30 | puffin

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Lizzy | JJ

           HER bouquet of lilies, now soaking in the water she had given them in the vase, flourished in the soft light of the dying sun. Lizzy yawned as she scrolled through her emails, which were sent to her mostly by colleges and by her social media accounts. She quickly typed up a message to Naomi who was discussing her plans of decoration for Lizzy's school's spring formal. Lizzy had offered her assistance to Naomi who was extremely appreciative of Lizzy's proposal. Next, Lizzy deleted various emails in her spam folder, one of which held the sad story of a kidnapped young girl whose kidnapper was still on the loose.

           Lizzy then turned to her cell phone, a message from Reece popping onto the screen.

           Reece: I'm so sorry about what happened this afternoon. Isaac is a jerk and what you did was really brave. I don't know if I would have the guts to stand up to a guy as proud as Isaac.

           Eh, it was no biggie. And it's not your fault. I appreciate your help in trying to find me a date even though Isaac didn't work out.

           Her mouth dropped open a little when she saw that JJ had texted her. She was surprised that he had the courage to text her after the strange texts he'd sent her. His drunkenness had chased all his sanity away, and Lizzy's eyes averted away from the creepy things he'd written her.


           Lizzy. I need to talk to you.

           Please. Please don't ignore me.


           Uh, I'd rather not talk to you right now.

           Wait, no. Please hear me out.

           You can't tell me what to do. Besides, I don't owe you anything.

           You said in your last text to me to explain everything when I'm sober.

           Okay, fine. I'll give you a chance to explain yourself. But after that, I'm blocking your number for good.

           Damn, that's a lot of pressure. I only have one chance to make this right?

           One. Don't push it and you may just get zero.

           Okay, here goes: so I was at this crazy party and I got high af with my friends, taking all the good stuff. Even when we were soaring above the clouds, they wouldn't stop. I couldn't think straight or do anything right. Me and my buddies grabbed each other's phones and we decided to prank text girls we like or try to creep other people out. And I accidently texted you. Because you're the girl I like. Some of those things I said the guys got me to text you while some of the other things were from my own nonfunctioning brain.

           I didn't mean any of them.

           God, I screwed this up. I made terrible mistakes. Please, help me. Forgive me.

           Are you sure you and I are still talking about the same thing?


           My texts to you. Right?


           Are we cool now or what?

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