18 | ostrich

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Lizzy | JJ

           A strange dream bothered Lizzy when she fell asleep, her mouth wide open with a stream of drool cascading out of the corner.  The dream began normal enough, occurring in some alternate universe with Lizzy herself as the star.  Mateo and Teagan usually found themselves incorporated in them and lately JJ as well; in fact, most of the dream consisted of Mateo, Teagan, JJ, and herself at an abandoned park, occupying a deserted picnic table, the swings squeaking rhythmically as the wind tossed them back and forth.

           In the dream, apparently, Mateo and Teagan were a couple, holding hands and staring into each other's eyes, star struck and mesmerized by one another.  JJ and Lizzy too seemed to be interacting on a more intimate relationship level, his arm resting on the table next to Lizzy's.  Every so often his fingers brushed the fabric of Lizzy's fluffy sweater and it drove her completely senseless.  Some casual conversation floated among all of them effortlessly, their soft voices the only noise besides the squealing swings and the whispering wind.

           It was shortly after this nonchalant scene that the dream started to plunge downhill like a diver splashing into the deep end.  Beginning with the frayed edges, the dream dimmed as if preparing for its transformation into a nightmare.  For some unknown reason, Mateo and Teagan stood from the table, their hands interlocked, and, after saying their goodbyes, left without a trace.  A sinking feeling of dread devoured Lizzy whole although she couldn't predict why or what would happen next.

           JJ leaned in close and whispered something indecipherable in her ear, his hair brushing against the side of her face like a cat would to its owner's legs.  Then, he too rose from the picnic table until he was towering over her and departed from the park, leaving Lizzy all alone, her fingers tugging on the ends of her sweater sleeves nervously.  Lizzy was now completely by herself; the only other creatures in the vicinity were a couple of birds perched on branches above her head, tittering amongst themselves.  Lizzy awkwardly scanned the empty park, an abnormal feeling of being watched wading over her and her teeth chattered involuntarily.

           With a sense of urgency, the exact source of it unknown to Lizzy, she stood from the picnic table, shivering despite being cloaked in her warm sweater.  The haunted swings' screeches sliced through the air like a knife.

           Just as the breeze picked up and whipped her hair in every direction, Lizzy quickened her pace, her feet pounding the ground in a rhythm that matched the racing beat of her heart.  As she left the park, her heart convulsed and she gasped for breath, her feet failing her.  She crashed to the ground, her body twitching uncontrollably.  Lizzy looked up, the world spinning round and round like disc in a CD player.  She squeezed her eyes shut and held still when suddenly a pitter-patter of feet behind her reached her icy ears.

           Her eyes flew open and she willed herself to stand on her two feet.  Something felt strange.  Terribly, frighteningly strange.  Her attention slid to her feet—her shoes had disappeared.  Bird's feet replaced where her feet used to be with her toes replaced by claws.

           Confused, she lifted her arms—or wings, rather.  Wings.  The feathers tickled her skin and they quivered a little in the quiet wind.  She had wings instead of arms.  Panic overtook her and she tried to scream for help.  Instead of words, indecipherable squawks fled her lips—or beak she realized as her eyes went cross-eyed to examine the place where her nose should be.

           Lizzy was so consumed by the shock of her transformation that she forgot about the footsteps approaching her, measured and menacing.

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