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Lizzy | JJ

Warning: The Last Shot spoilers ahead...Read with caution.

           WORK at Once and Floral progressed at a snail's pace, the customers more impatient and Lizzy's boss more short-tempered than usual. It didn't help that Lizzy labored through the day with a girl she didn't know. The girl didn't peep a single word the entire day, a blank stare exhausting her bland lineaments, her eyes deep-set and emotionless like a robot's. Ants had crawled into Lizzy's pants and she found herself constantly peering at the clock, waiting peevishly for her shift to terminate.

            Lizzy could hardly restrain her jubilee when her boss crabbily ordered her to leave. She practically skipped to the outdoors like a young schoolgirl on the playground as she grinned from ear-to-ear. The day was warm and cloudless, the blue sky blessing its vivid, cheerful color to the crowded ant-like people and cardboard buildings down below. The streets were teeming with single moms, sharply dressed men in suits, and teenagers chatting amongst their friends; the sidewalks seemed more jam-packed than normal. Lizzy guessed that this was a result of the gift of bright sunshine, something that had been absent for the long, dreary winter months.

            Lizzy scurried across the street toward Philip's Pizza Palace, making sure to avoid any incoming traffic. Before Lizzy had left for Once and Floral, her mother had requested Lizzy to pick up two medium-sized pizzas—one pepperoni, the other ham with pineapple. Lizzy entered the pizza place, the delightful aromas pleasing to her nose. After she told one of the workers about her order, she seized a moment to gaze about the familiar room, soaking in the recognizable details in the place she loved: the checked flooring covered in grime from customers' shoes, ketchup bottles offered on the tables even though this was a pizza place, the crayons and kids' menus ready for use near the entry, which she remembered coloring when she was younger as her family awaited for their pizza.

           The worker soon arrived from the kitchen with two steaming pizzas. Lizzy thanked him and handed him the money owed for the pizza. She was about to leave when something caught her eye—it was Mateo and Paisley, occupying a booth toward the back of the restaurant. Lizzy almost combusted into flames at the sight; her heart ached for Teagan who was tortured by Mateo's unreciprocated feelings. Lizzy wished that Mateo would torment her less, eliminating the false hope that he had given her the night of the party when he had stepped in to save her, her knight in shining armor.

           Lizzy asked the kind worker to watch her pizzas for a moment while she had a quick exchange with Mateo. He complied, setting the delicious pizzas on the counter. Lizzy's mouth watered as she stared longingly at the pizza boxes, their contents yearning to be eaten soon while they were still warm. Lizzy turned away, forcing her temptation in the back of her mind, instead focusing on the discussion she was about to have with Mateo. She wasn't sure exactly how it would all transpire but she needed to talk with him. A discussion between them had been long overdue and now it was inevitable.

           Lizzy ambled to their table, pausing at the head of it and waiting for their attention to divert toward her. Paisley noticed Lizzy's presence first and she gently nudged Mateo with her elbow, a troubled countenance descending upon her. Mateo, whose jovial smile disappeared when he saw Lizzy, immediately gestured for Paisley to scooch out of the booth so he could talk with Lizzy in private.

           Luckily, the restaurant was fairly empty so Lizzy and Mateo were able to find an available, separate booth for themselves. Mateo slid on one side and Lizzy took the other; an awkward silence settled between them, the elephant in the room needing to be addressed to ease some of the tension. While Mateo slithered a hand through his hair nervously as though he could already guess what was occupying Lizzy's mind, Lizzy herself cleared her throat so that she could articulate those millions of thoughts that were spiraling in tornadoes within her.

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