Toys and Explosion

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Charlie started to walk slowly from Amber as she walks fast toward Charlie " listen um officer I know we shouldn't have hit your ship and for both us we are very sorry" Said Charlie. "Oh well then I should drop charges let you guys go with pat on the shoulder and said don't do that again champ" said Amber sarcastic Amber pulls out a pair of handcuffs she tries to put them on, Charlie but Charlie dodges the handcuffs he started to run away Amber leaps in the air and tackling Charlie to the ground. Charlie rolls over to his back putting his wrist into his back pocket he crawled from Amber grip. Amber grabs Charlie ankle dragging him back to her then Charlie see a pile of dust on the ground he grabbed a handful he throws at Amber eyes blinding her " my eye you little bitch mother flopping dammit" said Amber in rage Charlie quickly runs inside of a toy store called "Irk" he thought to himself " oh god she is going to kill me I hope Ken is having a better luck then I do."

Ken kicked the strange alien in the crouch but no effect Ken punch him in the face it did nothing. The strange alien pulls out a large, sharp dagger he throws it. Ken runs out of the tent he collides into a box full of red balls that have yellow dots the dagger and misses hitting the box. Ken climbs over the box he looked around to see any weapons. Ken saw a tent full of ray guns he runs to it grabbing two ray guns pointed at the strange alien while he gets outside. Ken fires the guns but nothing comes out both of the guns the seller of the ray guns he was a robot that had one arm, a wheel for a leg, a body of a refrigerator, and a television for a head. He comes out screams at Ken " Hey you give me back my replica of Spock Han ray guns or I'll call the pol.." before the robot could finish he's sentenced the strange alien throws another dagger at the robots head killing him instantly the strange alien said " no witness". Ken drop the guns and runs to a large crowd of shoppers hoping he could blend in and get to the ship. The strange grew wings from his back the wings are like wasp wings he fly's to the air looking for Ken.

Meanwhile Charlie hides in the store he peaked at the window to see Amber getting rid the last remaining dust her in eyes final seeing again she sees Charlie peeking window she ran started toward him Charlie quickly looked around the store for hiding one thing caught he's attention was a giant stuffed alien animal toy it had a body of a blue whale a face and ears of an elephant Charlie quickly pulls out his sword and cut into the toy and crawl inside of it he crawled through soft fabrics until he was deep enough in the toy Charlie made eye holes with his sword. Amber breaks down the door with her foot a crowd of people watches inside and outside of the store watching and recording on their devices. Amber quickly starts tearing up the store looking for Charlie destroying toys from hoverboards to space castle and queen dolls. The store boss comes out of the store she was a tan slime with only red eyes and a brain she told Amber. " Please stop officer your destroying my store your going ruin my lively hood" Amber turn to her still rage in her eyes while she holds a broken doll she said to her ". Listen to you blob this is an investigation if you don't get back to your office I'll charge you with obstruction of justice now GO". The boss quickly runs back to her office the only thing left of the store that was not destroyed is the giant alien animal." I'll give you this asshole you're smart enough to hide in a ulfui but you won't be smart because I'll smash your brain out of your skull" said Amber. Charlie started thinking of a plan like maybe he should fight her but that would make things worse. Amber get closer and closer toward him as she grabs the toy a message pulls up on her it said "explosion and double homicide all officers around or on the planet jor must come immediately" amber screams "Ffffffuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkk" Amber runs out of the store she stops and turned she said " this isn't over criminal I'll find you again I'll put you in deepest sphere in this galaxy" amber was out of the store. Charlie crawls out of the toy he thought to himself what Amber said to him " criminal I'm not a criminal she's called me after she destroys this store because of an accident" Charlie runs out of the store toward the ship hoping Ken is safe and sound.

About the moments when Amber was destroying the toy store The strange alien sees ken in the crowd fly straight down to Ken. Ken see the strange alien flying toward him he moves out of the crowd but it was too late the strange garbs him and fly's about 350 feet off the ground. The strange alien said to ken " Better pray your god because this is the end of you" Ken thought about prying to god but he see's a grenade-like device it was long as a corn on the cub with two straight on the top and the bottom it was gold it had pin on the top square . Ken pulled the pin from the device it made beeping noise the strange alien looked at the device the strange alien was white as a ghost. The strange alien said " what have you done" he dropped ken he grabbed the device he throws it far away. The device explodes making a mushroom cloud it knocks the strange alien into a mountain knocking him out. Ken was falling fast to the ground his life flash before his eyes from time he got his first kisses to his first car then to time his parents caught him masturbating to Kate Upton and last memory was him watching the sunset in his car on the beach. But ken landed on giant red and white tent breaking his fall he rolled of the tent on to the ground. Ken gets up and runs to the ship and find Charlie.

Charlie runs as fast he could pasting stores and tents until he finds the ship suddenly he get knocked down to ground he looked to see ken he said to Ken "we need to get out of this planet fast". Ken nodded and says " I know the ship is up that hill" ken points to the shipped on the hill. They reached to the ship and gets in Ken started up the ship " so what happens to you" said Ken " long story but the police officer from the fast food place came here she tries to arrest me and what happens to you" said Charlie I think I explode the guy who killed the teller" Ken fly's the ship out of the planet into space.

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