Chapter 4

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   Me and Dina were upstairs packing when I realized she hadn't even told me how she was going to get me out-of-town. I mean I can't just get in my car and drive away. I tried that yesterday. Obviously someone knew I was trying to leave because they tipped off Roman. It was probably that nosy bitch Mrs. Dodds, she told everything she knew. Lets just say Mrs. Dodds is the town gossip. If you ever need to know anything about anyone she's the person to go to.

   "Dina, how in the hell am I going to get to Idaho?" I asked her. She continued stuffing things in the suitcase. I wasn't taking everything I owned with me, just enough until I can buy some new things. I am starting a new life so I might as well get new things. 

"Well," She said hesitating. "Believe it or not, every one in this pack supports what Roman's is doing." She paused for a moment. "My cousin has a few friends in the pack and one of them just happens to be watching you."

"Who?" I asked. There were a lot of wolves in our pack. It could be anybody.

"Cody." She said biting her lip.

   "What?" I screamed. Cody is Roman's Beta, his right hand man. When Roman was out-of-town, Cody was in charge. How could it be him? He and Roman are so close, he talks to him more than he talks to me. Cody has been in the pack for seven years. He's older than Roman but when he got here they instantly clicked and when Roman became alpha he chose Cody as his beta.

"Cody is originally from my cousins pack. He was born in Idaho, that's why he has that funny accent. He and Adam have been friends since birth."

"So why did he come here?" I asked curiously.

   "He needed a fresh start. His mate died when he was 17. He wanted to start over somewhere new so he came here." She said shrugging her shoulders. "He's not a spy or anything, he just owes Adam a favor. When his mate died Adam was the only one there for him."

"So what's his plan?" I asked. "I know he's not going to just walk in here, pack up my things, and drive me to Idaho."

"No," She said smiling. She is so devious! She loves danger, she lives every day hoping for a thrill of some type. 

"Then how?" I asked. I was almost afraid to even know.

   "We pretend you got kidnapped!" She said cheerfully. "We hire a human to kidnap you so there is no scent of wolf. It will be like you vanished! Then Cody will call Roman and tell him you've been snatched!" 

"What about Cody?" I asked. 

"What about him?" she asked sounding confused.

   "Roman will kill Cody, Dina." I said. "If he helps me, he's signing his own death certificate!" I can't just let him die... For me at that. "I cant do it Dina. I'd rather stay here in this hell than live with the fact that I got someone killed." I sat down on the bed and held my face in my hands.

"Look Nae," she said sitting down beside me. "Cody didn't have to agree to do this. My cousin only asked him because he trusts him more than anyone. Cody agreed as soon as he asked him."

"Why does he want to help me?" I asked. I had tears in my eyes. This was not right.

"He said that his mate was murdered by another wolf and he wasn't going to sit here and watch a wolf kill his own mate." She said. "Plus there's no turning back now, the plans have already been made." She smiled. "It'll be a robbery and a kidnapping so grab some expensive shit." 

"OK." I said. This isn't exactly what I wanted. I want to get away from this place but I don't want to put these people in Jeopardy. I don't have a good feeling about any of this. 

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