Chapter 7

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Photo of Adam

Today was amazing! When Adam brought me into the pack house everyone greeted me with welcome. Before I got here he had a few pack members set me up a room. Dina had told Adam a few of my favorite things so the could tie it into my room. He took me up two flights of stairs to my room. When I walked in I thought I had died and gone to heaven. The room was huge, way too much space for me alone. The walls are painted a deep purple with multi-colored dots.

Before things turned bad with Roman, I was a colorful person. I would dye my hair the most unusual colors and wear the brightest clothes I could find. I didn't care how people felt about my style. Honestly Dina and I needed to be arrested by the fashion police, we wore the most outrageous outfits you could imagine. I miss being myself, this place makes me feel like I can finally be me. I can be me and I can be happy.

My bed is big enough for me and four other people and I have my own bathroom. Adam made sure to fill the cd holder with my favorite music. In the corner of the room there was a nursery. There was a black crib and changing table. He said they had chosen black because I don't know what I'm having yet. They had stocked the room with diapers and baby toiletries. I had baby monitors, baby bottles, pacifiers, and a car seat. They had gotten everything I am going to need for my first few months of motherhood. I just wish my baby could have a decent father.

After I put my things away, Adam gave me a tour of the land. The animals weren't as bad as I thought they would be. There were a lot of animals here : horses, cows, pigs, chickens, hens, a couple of donkeys, and a few cats and dogs. When he showed me the horses I instantly fell in love with a solid black horse with a white patch around her eye. Her name is actually Patches. I squealed happily when I saw her. I don't know what it was about her that made my body ooze excitement.

Can you believe Adam said I could have her?! He said that they have a lot of animals here and they can't always give them the proper attention. There was a catch to my gift. I have to care for her myself, I will feed her, clean her, and give her the attention she needs until I get too big to get around. He also wont let me ride her until after I have the baby.

when we got back to the pack house, I could smell food cooking. I was starving, I havent really eaten in days. "After you eat breakfast I'm going to get someone to take you to see Doc." Adam had said. When we made it to the dining room it was already packed full of wolves having breakfast together.

"Hey!" Adam screamed over their talking. The room fell silent and all eyes were on him. "This is Denae Woodard!" He yelled pointing to me. I smiled nervously at the crowd of over 100 wolves and waved. "She is officially a part of this family and a part of this pack. Give her the same respect you give each other!" He used his alpha tone when saying this. The entire room nodded at the same time. He had just given them an order, they had to obey. Adam left 

I met a girl named Sashay, well that isn't really her name but she lives up to it. She has an exotic walk. She let me sit with her at breakfast. I wouldn't have guess by her model-like figure and walk that she was a really shy person. She has a squeaky little voice and she constantly bites her nails. She's a gorgeous girl, she has olive colored skin and a pair of big blue eyes.

I found myself staring at her at one point. She laughed at me when I got caught. I tried to apologize but she told me not to worry about it, that she would find it strange if people didn't stare at her. I stuffed myself full of everything at breakfast. We eat a lot already but the men still eat more than the women, today I ate like a male werewolf. Sashay watched me in amazement.

"Dang," She whispered shyly. "Your not really a guy are you?" She joked, I couldn't keep myself from laughing. She had the cutest little laugh, if you didn't see where the voice was coming from you would think she was a little kid. 

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