Chapter 10

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Roman was calling all day long. I knew Cody could handle his interrogation but I thought Dina was going to crack! I mean he is her Alpha so technically she wasn't supposed to lie to him. We had tried to calm her, I had known she would get a call eventually. She was nervous as hell! She was stuttering and you could almost tell she was lying. Her face turned sad at the end of the conversation. I had heard exactly what he had said. 'I'm terrified for her Dina. I need to make up for what I've done.'

Those were his exact words. I had also heard him tell Cody that if he found me, Roman wanted me to know that he love me and that he is sorry. I was actually a little moved. I mean I hate Roman but I love him once and maybe I always will. I don't know. It's just hard to let your feelings completely die for your mate. Well it is for me at least. I've never been love by anyone else before and I know he loved me at some point. He would tell me and show me how much he did before things turned dark.

We used to have a blast together, the day after we mated he took me on my first date. My mom had helped me get ready, I wore a solid white, halter rumper and a pair black sandals. My mom did my makeup for me. I wanted to look good for my mate. He showed up with a dozen red roses and he even bought me a necklace. It was a diamond studded heart pendent. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

When we got to his car, he opened the door for me and pulled my chair out for me at the restaurant. He was so sweet and gentle. He used to call me beautiful and he used to make me feel good about myself. Even before we mated he wasn't this bad of a person. I just don't know what happened to him. It really make me think what Dina said is true. Maybe he is possessed. 

I still wear the necklace, everyday to be honest. I don't really know if its me or my wolf who hopes that one day everything will be right. At least that's what she keeps saying. I don't want to believe her but sometimes I can't help it. My wolf howls for him every night, she makes it hard to not want to be with him. I can't go back to that life though, not for my sake but for my baby's. I don't want to have to fight for my life and my unborn child's.

If he really loved me he would just give up, but at the same time, I have a conscience. I don't want him to worry about me. He has done some fucked up shit to me but I wouldn't be any better if I made him suffer. I'm not going to continue to live my life hating him, my mother always said that if you hate the father of your children, they will come out looking just like him. I  know this is a bad idea, but I think I'm going to call him. I'll have to block my number so he doesn't have it. I just hope he doesn't make this hard.

"Hello?" Roman croaked into the phone. I couldn't open my mouth, I didn't know what to say. My breathing had increased and I could feel my heart beating in my throat. "Denae?!" He asked getting excited. "Denae is that you?" I was terrified to say anything so I just hung up. What the hell was I thinking? Was I just going to call and be like, "Hey Roman, I wasn't really kidnapped, I'm just really good at running away. I'm not coming back, but I don't want you to worry."? I'm such an idiot.  

My wolf started to howl after a few minutes of sitting there thinking about Roman. I can't handle this tonight. I need someone here with me. If I have to deal with her howling I swear I will kill myself. I got up off my bed and headed downstairs. I didn't care who was down there, as long as the would keep my mind occupied. It was already late and everyone appeared to be in bed. I crept down the stairs and saw that the only light on was in the kitchen. Seeing the kitchen instantly made my stomach growl. It had only been about four hours since I had last eaten.

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