Chapter 17

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I park the car in the parking area. I work at a local hardware shop.

I was attending the customers when Selena called me. She was my colleague and my friend.

"Crys, this guy needs that rope which is at the top and I cant reach it."

I giggle. Because Selena was like a kid and even her height was small. She was really cute.

I go to help Selena. As I try to grab the rope my leg slips. But luckily somebody grabs me. Woah! Saved. As I look up I see cat eyes and a sharp jawline.

He seemed so much like Ash, but he wasn't Ash.

I let myself lose from his grip.

"Thank you."

"My pleasure. So how much does that rope cost."

"4.99 $. Selena get our customer to the billing counter."

"Sure babe."

I pack his rope and give it back to him with his bill. Our hands make a brief contact. I feel something in my stomach. No not butterflies. It was a weird feeling.

He left soon after. He was so much like Ash. But something him told me he wasn't Ash. Who was he?

I wrap up things soon that day. I leave from work at 7 pm instead of 9.

I go back home and get dinner ready for Ash and Janet.

They both were playing in hall.

"Crystal, Ash and I will go to Morrin's house tomorrow. It's his birthday party. You are invited as well."

"Janet I never attend birthday parties. I will come to pick you up."

"The party starts at 5 pm."

"Okay. I will pick you guys from Morrin's place by 9. Now wash your hands and get on dining table."

"Yeah Crystal."

"Ash baby, come on. It's dinner time."

"Yes momma."

We say our prayers and have dinner. After dinner Janet and Ash go to their rooms.

I went to take a shower. Well it's not a daily routine. But today I feel kind of tired. Or may be stressed. I don't know exactly how do I feel. But I feel something that's quite unusual.

And taking shower gives me my personal time to think.

I stand under the shower. Water drips down continuously. I don't feel like taking hot shower.

Was he Ash? Did reincarnation take place. But something in him tells me he isnt Ash.

Ash always had a smile on his face. He seemed more like a serious guy. His eyes spoke a thousand words. They had a sparkle that was so similar to Asher.

I need to stop comparing him to Asher. But I can't. The one thing I observed in him was tattoos. Asher hated tattoos. I could see a tattoo of something like dragon on his left arm and a tattoo of withered out plant with a butterfly and single leaf on his chest. He wore a shirt with top two buttons left open.

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