Chapter 21

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My hands started shivering. My mind started to connect the dots. All was so messed up. I felt my heart beating so hard against my chest. Alex was Ash's twin.

"Ash... Ash never mentioned me about his younger brother. But after his death I found this picture hidden in his closet. It was only a single picture with a note."

"Diamond, can you show me that note please."

"Follow me Catty."

I could see Zac, Astrid and Cygnet all confused.

But I had no time explain them anything. I could tell them everything later on. Wait! Even I am not sure what's happening. It just happened all so fast.

Alex and I enter my room. From my cupboard I found a note adressed to some "Mr. Mysterious."

As I hand the note to Alex I tell him,

"I am not sure Catty if this note is meant for you. The note is addressed to some Mr.Mysterious."

"That's what Ash used to call me. I was this quite boy. I never told my feelings to anyone. Even if I was bullied I kept it to myself. Once Ash found out about it and he was caught up in a fight with them."

"Catty read the note aloud."


I am gonna miss you so much. After you go, I will be left all alone. We don't talk so much but, we have a connection no body will understand.

I don't know what would happen after they will send you to the orphanage. I promise to take care of Mom. And never forget me. Bye.


I see Alex eyes welled up with tears.

"Catty are you okay."

"Diamond. So you know now the issues in my family for which I was sent to orphanage. Ash could handle all the trauma of Dad. But I couldn't."

"Why didn't Ash tell me about having a brother. It was after his death I found this in his closet."

"Because it was decided that way Diamond. We were told to forget each other. Especially Ash shouldn't ever contact me or talk about me. They wanted me to be away from all the stuff that took place. So basically Ash was your husband ?"


"I had only one hope left Diamond. Even he is no more. After I found out about my parents' death, I started searching for Ash. After a lot of research I found out he had shifted to this town. That's the reason I shifted here."

He started crying profusely. He fell on his knees. I can't even tell how worst he feels right now. He lost his parents, Emily and even Ash.

"Diamond, please tell me how did he die."

I told him everything. I did not give him details about my relationship with Brandon. Just told him that I had a bitter past with Brandon. Even he didn't ask much.

"After Asher's death, everyone suspected it to be Mason but there was no proof against him."

"Diamond, I am gonna find out who killed my brother and avenge my brother's death."

I wasn't sure of what to do I hugged Alex.

"I am with you Catty."

Suddenly I feel many arms around both of us.

"We all are with you guys. Ash was our buddy to."

I recognize this voice to be of Zac.

"Zac, Astra, Cygnet."

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