Chapter 18

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I get inside the shop. I have to deal with Alex everyday from now on. It's gonna be a real tough job.

He keeps on reminding of Asher. He was like a synonym of Asher. Snonymous words have same meaning but are different from each other, so was the case with Asher and Alex. They both were so similar in many aspects but still something made them completely different from each other.

I was lost in my thoughts when,

"I know I look pretty good Diamond but please stop staring at me. It makes me uncomfortable."

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realise I was staring at him.

"Well ... I am sorry... But I didn't mean to stare at you. It's just that I was lost in my own thoughts."

"Okay Diamond."

Suddenly Selena sprouts out from nowhere,

"Butter, where did you live before shifting here."

"Pardon me, but Selena would you mind to explain me what's butter."

"Oh Crys, just a stupid name I gave to Alex. Since he calls me Cheese, I call him Butter."

"What are you guys. 10?"

"Diamond, let yourself lose. It's good to bring out your child side once in a while. Otherwise life gets boring as hell."


"So answering your question Cheese. Before coming here I lived in Moragon. I lived in an orphanage."

"Oh, I am sorry."

"Don't be sorry Cheese. Destiny will always play stupid pranks."

I was shocked. Alex is an orphan. Who knows better than me how it feels to know that you are an orphan kid.

I ask him,

"So nobody adopted you Alex?"

"I wasn't orphan until I turned 11. Then some incidents took place and I landed up in the orphanage. After completing my studies, I stayed in orphanage. I worked at a nearby local shop."

"So why did you come here."

"In search of answers Diamond."

"And what are the questions."

"Well they are too deep for you to understand now."

I roll my eyes,

"Maybe if you accompany me on a coffee date, I will let you drown in my questions and let you find the answers."
He winks

"Stop winking Alex, it's irritating."

"And I love to irritate you Diamond."

Ash. Ash loved irritating me. Woah what's happening.

Suddenly a customer enters breaking our chain of conversation. The rest of the day goes without any significant discussion.

I felt restless. As soon as I leave the shop I check the time. It's still 8 pm. I still have an hour left to pick up Janet and Ash from Morrin's place.

Suddenly from nowhere I feel like going to cemetry. I miss Ash. I miss him everyday, but today I miss him more.

I drive my car and go to cemetry. I sit nearby his grave. I didn't get to spend much time with Ash. But the memories with him, the moments where our breaths tangled with each others were all which keep sending shivers down my spine.

Tears roll down my eyes. I feel my cheeks go wet.

Suddenly I feel somebody's arm on my shoulder. I get startled. I turn around to find Alex.



"Hey Diamond, are you crying?"

I keep on sobbing.

He bends down and hugs me tightly. I cry even more.

"Alex, please go away. You keep me reminding of him."

"Of whom Diamond?"

"My husband. He was so much like you."

"It's okay Diamond. People have to leave one day or the other."

"Why did he have to leave on the day of our marriage."

Even though it was dark I could clearly see how shocked he was.

"Diamond, come lets go."


He places a finger on my lips.

"Shh. Just come with me. I promise you that I am safe to be with."

He stands up and gives me a hand. I hold his hand and stand up.

He takes me to his car while we are still holding hands.

"I have my car Alex."

"Leave it over here Diamond."

"Alex it's almost 9. I have to pick my kids from their friend's house."

"Kids? Let them stay at their friend's place today."

"Okay, let me call Mrs. Hunt."

I call Mrs.Hunt, Morrin's mother and request her to take care of Janet and Asher for tonight. I tell her I am stuck up in store due to some work.

"Diamond let's go now."

I sit in his car and he takes me to a hilltop. What the heck. There's a hilltop in my town that even I wasn't aware of. And he who's two days old in this town knows about it.

"Alex how do you know about this place. Even I wasn't aware about it."

"The first day when I entered this town I was just looking for a suitable place to live. During my hunt for house I reached her. Trust me I never ever felt so peaceful before in my life."

He takes my hand and we sit under a tree. I lie down over there. Gazing at the stars. I feel so peaceful. I felt happy. For the first time in days I literally felt something. And this something was really very special.

"Diamond, I know my parents. They abandoned me when I was 11. Few days back I found that they were dead."

I couldn't believe my ears. This was so shocking.

"I am sorry Alex. But why are you telling me this."

"I am not sure Diamond, I just felt so. I have never been so close to anyone. And the irony is that we just met a day back. When I saw you for the first time, I could see a pain in your eyes that was so similar to mine."

"No Alex, our pains are different. Everyone has a different battle to fight. You had no one by your side when you were fighting your battle. I was lucky to have my friends."

"Maybe I had someone."


"Emily Rose."


So the next chapter is finally here.
How did you feel about it.
Who is Emily Rose.
Gf or Ex Gf.
Keep on guessing.
Next chapter on Wednesday.
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This is how I imagine Alex to be

This is how I imagine Alex to be

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Isn't he hot ❤

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