Chapter 22

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The next morning I woke up I saw Alex lying on the couch. It made me smile. I am not sure why.

I gently opened the curtains. The tingling sunlight made its way through the window waking up Alex.

"Morning Diamond."

"Morning Catty."

"So what's for breakfast?"

"Whatever my Catty would cook for me."

"Aha. Testing my cooking skills? Sure Diamond. Anything for you. Waffles?"

"Anything Catty. Just make sure you top it with strawberry whipped cream."

"Yes Ma'am."

We both giggled.

I got down in the kitchen to get all the elements on the counter that he would need .

He took a shower. I woke up Janet and Ash. I got Ash bathed.

As they both got in the living room they were startled to see Alex.

"Crystal, Alex's here. And he is cooking something which I guess are waffles." She shouted.

"I know Janet." I replied her.

They both greedily waited on the dining table as Alex made the waffles. Till then I went to take a shower.

As I reached the dining hall which was just adjacent to our kitchen I saw Alex topping the last waffle with strawberry whipped cream. I smiled. Each waffle had a different topping.

One was maple syrup and banana which I guessed was of Ash. Same choice like his Dad. Another one was topped with nuttela and hazelnuts. It was definitely Janet's. The one which I guessed was of Alex was topped with vanilla cream and fresh strawberries.

"Catty why the fresh strawberries on your waffle."

"How did you guess that one was mine."

Janet replied for me,

"Because Crystal clearly is well aware of what Ash and I like."

Alex pouted. That made me and Janet laugh.

"So answer my question Catty."

"Well I see you like strawberry whipped cream. And I am a vanilla person. Just like the strawberries adorn my waffle making it better so do you adorn my life and make it better."

I can feel my cheeks heating and flaring. I am sure they are as pink as the strawberries. Alex winked at me and Janet smiled at me sheepishly.

We were digging onto the waffles when Alex spoke up.

"Diamond we need to start working from today onwards. The first thing is we will meet Brandon and Theo."

"They are still behind the bars."

The mention of Brandon and Theo was enough to trigger Janet.

"Why on earth would you want to meet them Crystal." Janet screamed.

I hugged her and calmed her down. I narrated her yesterday's incident.

"So technically Alex is my brother as well."

I nod at her. She turns to Alex.

"Alex will you punish the person who killed my brother?"

Alex picks up Janet in his arms and kisses her forehead.

"Sure Janet. I will try everything possible to punish the person who killed our brother."

They hugged each other. It made me shed tears. Tears of joy. Soon after cleaning everything I left Janet at school and Ash at babysitting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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