Chapter 19

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"Who is Emily. Your girlfriend ?"

"No Diamond. She was my best friend. She was the one who helped me out through my bad days. But only if I knew that she was suffering from the worst."

"I don't get you Alex. She was your Best Friend but she didn't tell you anything."

"I will tell you the whole story Diamond. Be patient."

"Okay Alex."

We were both lying down on the grass gazing up at the sky,

"Among those billion stars up in the sky, one of them is your husband and do you see the one closest too the moon, that's Emily.

She always loved sitting in the backyard of our orphanage staring at that moon. She always told that after she dies she's gonna be that star which is closest to the moon."

I could see tears glazing his eyes. I caught hold of his hand and pressed it. I don't why I did that but he smiled at me.

"Diamond, I was abandoned by my parents when I was 11. I was left in an orphanage. They thought I was weak to handle all the drama that was unfolding in our house. And maybe I was really weak.

After I was left at the orphanage, I never talked to anyone. Even children over there did not accept me. They kept on bullying me. A week later Emily was left at the door of our orphanage.

She was dumped in a very horrible state. She was wrapped in a blanket and there was blood dripping. Her clothes were ripped apart.

The caretaker of our orphanage took care of her. She made Emily stay with her for a week and then she let Emily into the orphanage.

I was too young but I knew what rape was. Emily was raped. By her own father. Her mother had dumped her over here. Nobody accepted Emily.

I knew how it felt to be left out. So I tried talking to her. The fact that I was a male made her hate me initially. But soon she started to gain my trust. Long story made short we became best friends by the end of her second month in orphanage. Emily was a year elder to me.

We talked laughed joked around.She helped me out of my depression. We, children of orphanage had a special school arranged for us by the owner. Emily and I always sat together. 

She told me everything about her parents. You know the worst part Diamond. Emily was always abused by her father.

One day, her father saw Emily hugging a guy who was just a friend of hers. He raped her. She was raped at the tender age of 8. Since that day her father raped her every alternate day. And her mother supported.

She fought back all her past demons and was living a happy life. But life doesn't remain the same forever.

When we were 15 a new temporary caretaker was appointed. Our old caretaker was sick. The new caretaker was a male.

He was extremely rude and selfish towards us but really sweet towards Emily. It confused all of us.

After the arrival of this caretaker she started acting weird and quiet. She ignored me. It got me all frustated. I asked her with all the anger in my heart

'What's your problem Blue? Why are you ignoring me. You are acting weird.'

I called her Blue. You see she had blue eyes.

'Let me go Alex.' she said in a soft voice.

My voice firmer this time,
'Answer me Emily. You can't leave like this. You have turned into a complete bitch.'

Yes I called her a bitch. You see that Diamond, I called my Best Friend a bitch.

The next second I knew Emily was crying and she slapped me.

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