Raph x shifter reader

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You were a mutant, a lizard to be exact, you were an animal shifter so in day you would change into a cat or dog to stop attention. You hung around with your friend Casey, he knew about your mutation and was fine with it, you were his friend no stupid mutation would change it.

It was night, you and Casey were walking through the streets of New York looking for a head to bash. Well more like you were dragged by Casey.
'Casey, tell me why I'm with you again?' You questioned the said male.
'Well my normal friend ditched, something about extra training, I don't know. So I decided why not invite ya.' He turned and smiled. You however gave him the 'Are you for real' face.
'Invite me? I think you mean force me out of my home.' You stated with a frown.
' come on, your home isn't even a home it's an abandoned run down apartment block with half a sofa, a rubbish kitchen and just about half working TV' he laughed, you only rolled your eyes and started to walk away.
As you and casey walked he talked about his so called friends that you didn't know,but he never even explained who they were.
'Look Casey, dude,these friends sound like a blast. But can you tone it down a little, we don't wanna get-' you were cut of by the sound of fighting, you quickly grabbed Casey and ran behind a dumpster, you peeked out as you heard it coming your way.
'The krang will destroy the ones known as turtles' you saw a silver robot with pink marking say, or as they called themselves 'krang'. Then you saw a giant mutant turtle,then another,another and another! You rubbed your eyes to make sure you weren't seeing stuff. All of a sudden Casey ran out swinging his hockey stick, you tried grabbing his shirt but missed. You stayed put and watched as they defeated the last of the robots.

'Ahh, YEAH boy! We kicked their robotic buts!' The smallest turtle yelled, he had and orange bandana around his face.
'Yeah, Casey man were did you come from' you saw a red banded turtle say. There was suddenly a large thump and the five turned to see...

You growled, you had fought him before when his so called 'master' wanted you. You watched a fish face spoke.
'Well well, we meet again turtles'he smirked.
'Can it fish face' the red one yelled, getting out his sias.
'I'd watch your mouth turtle, unless you wanna be shot' then foot soldiers appeared on top of the buildings around them, holding bows and arrows at them, ready to fire
'Not good' the blue one said
'Really not good' the purple exclaimed
As the droids went to attack a cloud of smoke appeared, and the foot bots started to disappear until only fish face was left.
'What on earth?!' He yelled. As for the turtles they were confused, except for casey he knew it was you messing with them. Then fish face went to strike Raph, but before he could a sword blocked him.
There standing in front of them holding a katana like sword,stopping right in front of raphs face, was A humanised lizard with a smirk on its lips.
'Now now tuna roll, you don't wanna hurt the poor turtles do ya' you said tauntingly as fish face growled.
'What do you want, lizard boy.' He spat retreating his sword, as did you. He got into a fight stance as you stood still.
'Well attacking a distracted foe,is just unfair' you said smirking as you raised you sword to point at him
'And just plain cowardly' you laughed as the fish growled, then he jumped onto the roof of a building while shouting
'This isn't over, lizard' he spat the last word then disappeared over the rooftops, you turned just as Casey ran up and high fived you.
'Nice one man, you sure showed him' he grinned, but you gave him the ' you are so fucking dead' face. Casey paled as he saw this
'Hehe, look I know this seemed bad, but I'm sure you'll laugh about it tomorrow' he tried to slowly walk away. Then you punched him in the arm as hard as you could.
'Yeah sure, just like you won't have a bruise tomorrow' you said while crossing your arms over your chest
'Uhhh, Casey who's this?' The blue turtle asked very confused.
'Oh yeah, guys this is (name),(name) this is mikey, Leo, Donnie and Raph' he introduced. You just shrugged and walked away.
'Dude! Come on, you don't gotta be rude' casey yelled following you, then the turtles after him. You just sighed and turned to look a casey with a glare.
'Look I know you don't socialise, but theses guys are like you just give it a little chance' he begged. You scanned the turtles as two smiled at you, blue  and purple, another waved with a small smile, orange , and the last only nodded his head at you, red.
'Fine' you said after about a minute of silence
'Seriously!' Casey exclaimed, shocked.
'Yes,I can't believe I'm about to say this, but your right they may be the only other good mutants out there so I should suck it up and try' you said sighing, then you put your hand out to the blue turtle.
'Friends?' You said with a small grin, blue boy returned it
'Sure,friend' he said smiling
'Yeah!...(name) are you still gonna hit me' casey asked as you smirked the unsheathed your weapon
' since I made new friends and I'm in a good mood now,I won't if you out run me...any of me' you smiled
'What! No you can't shift that's not fair!' He yelled
'Fine, you get ten seconds head start...one' casey sprinted away from you and the turtles while yelling "mercy!"
'Six...seven...eight!...nine!.......' you stayed silent until you heard a faint sound of running stop
'TEN!' Then you shifted into a wolf and ran Casey's direction as you heard his scream of terror and the laughs of the turtles

I'll write part two soon
I'm just having serious writers block
Later pups

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