Chapter 9 [Space From John]

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I enjoyed writing this chapter to be honest. Oh well. ^-^

Alex's POV

I woke up earlier than John just to see him naked on his bed. I'm wearing clothes though. I sat up and groaned quietly. (I tried to be) I have a massive head ache. If I had a phone I would take a picture of him like that naked, he looked hot.

It's a hundred percent jacking off material. (A/N: Alex no.)

I stood up massaging my forehead, sadly, I ended up falling. I groaned. What the hell happen lastnight? All I remember is drinking some beer with John and then it hit me.



I heard a yawn. I looked to see John sitting up grabbing some painkillers tossing it at me and he immediately wore his boxers and pants that were oddly on the floor. He was quiet. I wonder why. I didn't care right now though, I felt bad and I went to the bathroom and started vomiting my insides. Dear Lord. The pain killers were inside my pocket. I heard the door squeak revealing John who gave me water. I drank it and then grabbing the two pain killers he gave me and drank it too. He looked a bit down. I stood up flushing the toilet. I washed my face too. I left the bathroom to see John sitting on the living room's couch shirtless. I sat beside him while rubbing my forehead, "what's wrong?"

He mumbled something and said, "You gave me a blow job and you found out that I lied about breaking up with Maria..."

I blinked. Well Jesus. If this was fanfiction the author must be really fucked up. I was surprised he was honest though. He took advantage of me when I was drunk, that's just... mean.

"Alexander, aren't you going to say something?" John said playing with his fingers while looking down on his lap. I didn't care about sucking his dick since I've done it before with a few men back in the Carribean. I shivered remembering those. That's fucked up. "A-anything else happend yesterday night?"

He looked at me and said, "Maria and me are going on a date."

Okay so, I just met him. I kissed him. I even made out with him. (that's a bonus) Let him cheat on someone with me knowing. I just went with it. I told him how I felt which he probably doesn't even take seriously enough. I feel disgusting. I'm disgusting. I can't believe I just let him use me like that. If he really likes me or even loves me even, he would do atleast effort to make me happy like real happy without makingout or kissing. I felt like a whore. I'm a whore. I let him used me like that. I breathed in and out and stood up. "I'm going to my dorm." I said and walked out. I needed to  clear my head. I needed some space from him. Huh. I was nothing but his side hoe or something like that. It hurts to think that he used me like that. I went inside my room. Good thing John didn't follow me. I was thankful. I went to my room avoiding eye contact from Herc.

I remember when I said I would wait for him. I would let him steaighten and fix things between us, his past, family and he would let me into his life. I shook my head and wipe some of my tears away. Why am crying over some guy who I knew who would hurt me from the start? It's my fault for just going along with it. I heard a knock on the door and saw Hercules. I sat on my bed and he sat beside me rubbing my back.

"Shh it's okay."

"Shh it's okay." Mother said hugging me her words sounded shaky. "You're comming back right?" I coughed. We were both sick. She shook her head and said, "I don't know..."

"I'll be here with you mommy." I said cuddling up next to her. I looked at her as if she was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, which was true. She gripped my hand tightly and then her hand became limp. James, my older brother was beside me, he pulled me away from mom. The quiet rang in my ears. I watched my mom died and it made me crumble. I feel terribly bad. I couldn't even cry, I was exhausted. I don't know how I should feel or supposed to feel when your mom is dying. I hugged my brother and he carried me since he was sixteen years old. He was crying. He wipes his tears away and hugged me as if I'm the only reason why he's here which was probably true. I fell asleep hearing him whisper something.

"—Okay?" Hercules said something but I zoned out. I just nodded my head and wipe some tears away. "Good." He smiled and stood up leaving my room and he closed the door. Again, the quiet rang in my ears. I didn't like quietness. It reminds me of how lonely I was. I gulped and got my laptop. I decided to connect to our dorm's internet and made a gmail account for school, one personal and one that isn't.

John's POV

"I'm breaking up with you." I said I was at the coffee shop with Maria. I was scared on how she would react. Girls would usually slap me or so but seeing the pain in their eyes is worth it but I didn't feel like that now. I hate how I just met Alexander and have this soft spot for him. That boy got me wrapped around his finger. If Maria was going to slap me now, I deserved it.

"Cool." Maria said looking up to me smiling.


"You see, John, I'm actually gay." She said the last part as a whisper. I was confused now but nodded my head unsurely. "I just wanted to see why girls are heartbroken when they're with you, I can see why. Sorry for using you, no hard feelings?"

Wow. This girl is crazy. Daggum. What should I say? She laughed a bit from my expression and she reached her hand out, "Friends?" I took her hand and smiled a bit, "Friends. Well, I used you too so it's fair?"

"Yup, I hope you're cool with this and I like how you flirt. You could be an actor you know. You're good at using people and I hate that." At first her tone started so loving and it ended with a hiss. I nodded my head. I didn't know what to say. We both stood up and said our good byes, I stopped dead on my tracks when I saw someone I wasn't supposed to see after graduationg college.

Martha Mannings.

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