Chapter 47 [Helpless]

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I'll post the Prologue and the first two chapters nextweek. (Demigod AU)

I'm sooooo pumped.

Also, enjoy.


John's POV

"I remember that one time where we meet up at Martial park in like four am in the morning. And you said you were too weak to fight for anyone you love."

"What about that?" I asked, recalling that memory.

"It seems like you are fighting for me now." He says.


"Just so you know, I won't leave you John." He says and started eating.

I smiled at him, "I won't leave you too."

Fighting for Alex? Huh, it's so unexpected I have the guts to do that. Have you ever felt the ache of swallong starlight? Because, that's how I feel right now.

I feel actually good at the same time really bad since I didn't get to tell Alex. When I get that feeling that I want to do something or say something, I can't do it. And the longer I fucking wait after I get that initial feeling that I really need to do. My mind starts to over think.

What if he gets the wrong idea? What if he pushes me away? What if he doesn't trust me anymore?

Trust is, and always is important from the start.

I recalled what happend today, going to the orphanage and then getting dinner. I recalled the way his eyes and lips smiled. I can't help but admire his smile even if it's so subtle yet perfect. I wanted to be the cause of his smile, always.

It's something that I wish Hamilton won't stop doing.

When it fades, it makes a deep hollow feeling in my chest. Without it, I cannot have a peaceful mind knowing I didn't make him smile at least once. It's adorable.

"I'm so fucking in love with him." I say, breathlessly to Lams as she stared at me with those black orbs.

"When will I marry him?" I asked. "After college?"

The puppy stared at me, tilting her head to the right. Cute.

"Hopefully, I will." I say.

My phone started ringing and I picked it up. Who's the calling? Henry Laurens.

I'm hoping it would be Mary calling me again but—

"Jack, you didn't tell me you fucked Martha?" My dad says from the other line.

My breathing hitched as I hear my heartbeat beating loudly in my ears. The world seemed to paused for a bit except for me and my dad. I'm inside my room. Locked door. In a call, with my dad.


I couldn't answer. What should I say?

"Y-yes?" I stuttered, afraid of what's he's going to say.

"I heard that Martha Mannings was kicked out of her own damn house because she's pregnant. Don't you think rumors spread so fast? I called her today, hijo. She told me everything." He says, sternly.

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