Chapter 22 [Grocery Shopping?]

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Oml this is gonna be a bit diff and some cute stuff??? I really like this chapter and I really want to know what you think about this chapter.


I want to remind you that: Don't forget to breathe and everything will be okay! :)

John's POV

Guess where Alex took me? To the mall. I looked at him questioning why we were here. "Alex, why are we here?"

He looked at me and grinned without his teeth showing, "Grocery shopping."

I looked at him weirdly, "I thought this was a date?"

He nodded. He grabbed my hand and dragged me inside the grocery. He grabbed a cart for me and he grabbed his. What kind of date is this?

"We have twenty dollars each. We will have seven minutes. Grab anything as long as it wont go over twenty dollars." He said.

I raised my eyebrows at him while holding my cart. "I don't get this Alex—"

"One." He counted.



"Alexander please—"

"Three! Go!" He shouted making other people look at him as he pushed his cart and went to he different places getting food. I shook my head and did what he just said getting random food and putting it in my cart. I added them mentally, making sure I won't get over twenty dollars. I ran in different places and grabbed a soda. Some junk food and one notebook. If Alex thinks this would be a good kind of date, it was weird. Not bad weird. Good weird. I kind of like it but I'm still questioning why is it like that. I was expecting some dinner date or get to know eachother date thing. I never expected it to be like this.

I ran to the nearest cashier, panting. My hair was messed up from all the running, so, I removed the hair tie and tie i into a messy bun. The cashier girl that had a named tag, Delilah smiled at me. "That would be twenty dollars, sir."

I nodded as I lazily get two ten dollars and gave it to her. I grabbed the two bags and walked to where Alex is standing. I must've been late. I ran up to him.

"John, you took ten minutes. I said seven." He pouted. I gave a small side smile.

"Yeah, Is this date over because I'm sure that I'm too lazy to run." I said. He looked at me a bit skeptical but he opened his mouth slightly as he spoke, "Well... Let's keep walking!" His voice suddenly sounded happy.

I gave a small smile at him as he carried two bags. We walked and walked until we reached a medium sized, red house. "Alex, where are we?"

He turned to me and smiled, "I don't know."

I glared at him and he laughed, "I'm kidding. Just wait."

"What are we doi—" Before I could ask any more questions. The door suddenly opened. Eliza.

"John and Alex!" She said happily. She wore a pastel blue blouse, her mint jacket tied around her waist. Damn, she looked good.

I glanced at Alex who looked at Eliza, smiling. "Hello 'Liz, Can we come in now?" I felt a wave of jealousy came in me suddenly.

Eliza smiled sweetly, shit, I can't hate her. She's too kind. "Of course." She moved out of the way as we went it. A large hallway with three doors each. Who own this place? At the end, I see a white door with a picture of Eliza and a beautiful girl. "I'll be upstairs. Have fun with your date." Eliza said as she left going left to a wooden stairwell which I hadn't noticed before. I looked at Alexander. "Where are we?"

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