Chapter 6

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Jolie POV.

While me and Liam walked down my long, i mean LONG driveway to get to his car i notice he smells really good.

i know thats weird but he does and i usually speak my mind, and this by far has been the worst moment for that to inflict its self.

"you smell really good" i blurt out once we got into his car and buckled up.

he just laughed.

" so do you" he chuckled, while pulling out of my drive away.

i actually found it really easy to talk to Liam, and soon enough after a 30 minute car ride with bad jokes and story telling about our lives we arrived at the restaurant.

it was an old 1950's themed diner.

i laughed " really, this place"

"come on, whats wrong with having burgers on the first date?" he questions while holding the door open for me so i could get into the diner.

" nothing, its just funny" i say while going to sit down at a booth in the back of the restaurant.

he quickly slide in across from me.

soon a waiter came to get our orders.

" what would you like?" he asked in a bored tone.

" ill have" Liam starts " a Doubled cheese burger with everything but onions and a diet coke" he says setting his menu and looking at me.

i clear my thought " and i will have" i guess he was expecting me to say a salad cause his mouth completely dropped open when i said " a quarter pounder with grilled mushrooms, extra cheese, and onion rings on the burger not on the side, oh and some water"

the waiter nodded and walked away.

"christ" he said looking at me still gaping

"what?" i giggled cause he still had that shocked look on his face.

"its just where are you going to put all that" he says gesturing to me.

i just laugh " you have a lot to learn about me"

"i bet" he muttered under his breath as our drinks came

<><><><><><><><><><><><<> AFTER DINNER <><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

Me and liam almost collapsed laughing as we get out the resturant that waiters face when, becuase we had to send my food back because it was undercooked, put his 20 dollar tip in a water glass and flipped the glass upside down.

once we had acutally made it through the parking lot and made it soundly in his car i turned to look at him

"so, whats next?" i ask

"next" he says starting the car "next we are going to see a movie"

" kind of cleshay dont you think 'dinner and a movie' for a first date?" i question.

" yeah like are date has been like any one elses"


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