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This chapter would apply to an FtM/male identifying audience

Okay so I've come to realize a lot of dudes are reading this and just want to throw in a self-care sheet/thingy. It may not be much but could be helpful to any young boys growing up in our society:

-Don't bind too tightly, this is bad for your ribs and other internal organs. Bind for your weight/size. 

-For those of you who do bind, at the end of each day when taking the binder off make sure to drink a lot of water and cough. This is in case anything gets lodged or stuck in your esophagus (not sure if that's the proper organ but) due to the pressure of binding gets flushed out.

-Testosterone levels rising?  I suggest you use cups instead of pads/tampons. Those things literally work like- a cup! It catches all the blood like one. Cups make you forget about your bleeding and let you live your life I guess. But please do more research on this item before using because I did not include all info about it. 

(Tampons are terrible anyways. They absorb not just blood, but also other necessary bodily fluids that are needed for a less chance of infection.)  

-Always remember that it really doesn't matter what you look like/do, you should still have the right to your preferred titles

-If you take meds/hormones, don't overdose! This could lead to health issues that you should also do some research on if you would like to know more about. 

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