Burning Up My Skin

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Not going to lie but the video above gave me HUGE inspiration for this story. Like, fuck... Damn son, the person who made that vid is gifted af! Lol, this story is going to get smutty fast, XD But it is a ABO-verse fic so can you blame me? XD

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It seemed to take years to get to the car when in reality it was probably only minutes. Will was starting to sweat by this point and there was a deep ache in his navel that was growing with each second. It felt like there were hands inside of him that were pressing out on his lower back and belly. He groaned when Hannibal got the door open and helped him get sat down. Will finally got a better look at him now: his eyes were dark and his hair now fell in a half curtain over his brow.

He was so ashamed of himself, of his body. Angry tears filled with embarrassment started to roll down his cheeks when he felt the obscene way his pants stuck to his butt and thighs as he moved. To his horror, he must have said some of this aloud because a few seconds later Hannibal began to speak while he did his belt buckle.

"Don't ever be ashamed of yourself or your body, Will. What your body is doing is a beautiful thing. A natural cycle of life." He said in a firm tone.

Will felt a sob clawing at his throat so he clenched his jaw closed and held his breath to prevent it. He nodded, not knowing what else to do. Hannibal had no idea that he dealt with this three times a year. They'd never talked about anything heat related during their sessions, not yet anyways.

"I need you to breathe. Will? Breathe, breathe with me, Will." Hannibal took the omega by the face and forced him to look him in the eyes.

Will didn't want to breathe, he knew if he did he'd start sobbing. He couldn't do this anymore. All these heats, they made him so tired all the time. He barely had time to fully recover between them. They always hurt too. His body would cramp up till he was screaming and sweating in a mess on his bed. The dogs would all be howling for him from outside in the garage because they were worried about him. Especially Winston.

"Will, breathe!" Hannibal's voice broke through his thoughts like a knife. It was the first time Will had ever heard the man raise his voice and it shocked him a little bit.

He opened his airways and hated himself for the sound that came out. It was a long, breaking sob that shook him to his core. His eyes were blurring and he wanted the pain to stop, but unless Hannibal left, it wouldn't. Will blinked the tears away from his eyes and searched for those chocolate eyes. When he found them, he saw concern and pain reflected in them. He watched as Hannibal straightened up and glanced between the store and the omega.

"Will," He said with a pained expression that said he was trying to decide between staying and going back to get the groceries. "I'll be right back. I promise you." He reassured when Will's hand shot out of it's own accord and grabbed his sweater sleeve.

"Hurry." Will said, already feeling the abandonment.

Hannibal nodded and shut the door as he left, jogging back into the store. He would be such a good alpha, a good, healthy dad...

'Woah, Will. Just because he is fit and attractive, doesn't mean you're allowed to just think this shit. You're infertile for Pete's sake.' Will shook his sweaty head. Some of the heat started to fade, good. Since his heat was just starting, he'd have a few waves of it before it really started. He thanked the gods for the moment of peace.

The omega part of him was crying out for the alpha to come back. The other part was telling himself to stop thinking like that. That thoughts like that weren't right. His mother always said that he was "nothing but a whore now", since he presented as an omega. For so long he believed it, part of him always would. Which was why he promised himself that he wouldn't knot anyone unless he trusted them completely. He said in his head that the only person he'd ever let knot him would be his heart mate, but the luck of finding them, or realizing them was 1:1,000,000.

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