Live And Thrive

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Just wanna warn that I haven't written good smut start to finish in MONTHS and that this probably isn't THAT GREAT but hey it's story.

ALSO that IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO FUCKING LONG!!! But here it is in all its glory.

Prepare for shitty smut and how I dodged around it a little but mainly prepare for the hurt in this chapter. Because it hurts.

Please point out any huge mistakes you see but otherwise please enjoy the new installment to this fic. More is to come.

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Will found himself nodding mutely after he'd finally breathed that one word that could either aide him, or break him. It was hardly enough to bounce the curls on his head, but Hannibal still saw it and it was that small, quiet "yes" that had him relaxing.

The breaths they simultaneously let go were so very different from one another; Will's—sharp and fast, Hannibal's—a contented sigh. The alpha's thumbs rubbed gentle little circles on his cheeks while he leaned in for the kiss that he'd been secretly pining for after all these months.

When Hannibal kissed him, it was soft and gentle, something he hadn't had in a long time, not since Molly. It was completely different compared to all his past partners which wasn't very many, given his awkward, shy nature. And every beta Will had been with was only ever in it for the sex, so why would it be like this?

'Why did I expect anything different? This is Hannibal, Will.' He thought to himself while those lips pressed against his unresponsive ones. He was just starting to relax when Hannibal pulled back.

The omega's eyes flickered upwards to meet those of the alpha's and he felt his heart rate spike. However it wasn't in anxiousness. Whatever anxiety Will had about the whole ordeal, seemingly vanished when their eyes met. There was something in those eyes that radiated deep intensity that had Will's legs trembling in a sudden surge of heat. Hannibal met him halfway when he suddenly tugged him down into a kiss full of fire. Unable to stop himself, Will pushed his tongue into the older man's mouth, tasting fresh mint toothpaste.

'Probably Theodent, knowing Hannibal.' Will thought as he caressed the alpha's sharp canines with the tip of his tongue like they were a knives. A deep groan got muffled into Will's mouth at the action. It was a sound unlike any the omega had heard the alpha make.

Hannibal's right hand slid down the side of his face and to the side of his neck as the kiss deepened, stopping all returning thoughts of anxiety running through the omega's head as his hand slipped over the sensitive mating gland with feather light touches. It caused Will to exhale all at once into the kiss, which he would have been embarrassed about had he been thinking straight and not about to cream his pants. Very quickly everything was turning into nothing at all except heat and it was beginning to consume the both of them.

Will could tell that Hannibal was trying to draw it out, but his navel was burning so badly now that he didn't know if he'd survive if they went at this pace, especially with the alpha's fingertips still brushing at the glands in his neck. He gave a little growl and sucked on the alpha's lower lip, hearing a throaty sound resonate from his chest in return.

"Hannibal, I don't have the patience right now to take things slow. I need it right now." He growled while pulling the alpha from his place at the side of the bed so that he was forced to hover over him, bent over like a whore in the street. It made flames lick up the inside of Will's thighs at the thought. He wondered suddenly if Hannibal would ever let him top him. The thought was immediately pushed aside because this was surely a one time thing.

Will could make out faint surprise on Hannibal's face at his attitude but then a small signature smirk quirked his mouth and he knew that the alpha liked it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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