Chapter 10- His Place

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The car ride was kind of long and quiet. Of course it was going to be a bit awkward too, I mean we literally just met in the store a few minutes ago. But as soon as we pull up to this big fancy hotel the silence is broken. "This is it." He pulls around back and instantly all you see are flashes from  the cameras. "Sorry about all of this..If you keep your head down you should be fine."

"Okay." As soon as he steps out of the car I follow behind and as he had suggested I keep my head down. "Who are you?!" "What's your name?!" "Are you the new girlfriend?!" I don't look up until we get inside. "Okay I think your good now." I hadn't realized that he was holding my hand again until he let go and lead us to where he was staying.

"So they are very interested in everyone and everything about you huh?" I say laughing. "Yea..that's what paparazzi's do for a living." He says laughing. "Is that sass I'm sensing Mr. Styles?" He shrugs his shoulders  while smirking. "Maybe."

He then opens a door towards the back with a room key. When he opens the door I see a huge room with multiple doors inside and an amazing kitchen. "This place is amazing." I say still in awe. "Welcome to my home for the week." He says jokingly.

"I'm gonna order a pizza..cheese fine?." I nod my head. "I'm fine with anything." He smiles and walks into what looks like a living space and orders a pizza. While he does that I walk over to the kitchen and sit at a spot at the counter, I always love when a room has a peninsula.

As I sit there I continue to look around, but as soon as I look more at the kitchen I start to laugh. "What's so funny?" He says while smirking and looking confused at the same time. "The vegetables you were trying to cut..they are still there.. and I could just imagine how it happened."

"Okay so my pain is amusing to you

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"Okay so my pain is amusing to you." I continue to laugh and nod my head. He walks around the counter to the other side where the vegetables and knife were still sitting. "So you see it was like this.."

"Oh god.." This is very amusing. "I was so excited to actually eat something..You know cause I hadn't eaten all day.." He makes a bunch of hand movements. "I started to cut up these carrots and I guess I was bit too excited cause I nicked my finger on this dang knife."

I haven't laughed this much in weeks, and it feels good. I've been so lonely, literally talking to myself and the fact that he is a huge star doesn't even phase me at this point. For a moment I actually forgot that he is one.

"So the pizza should be here soon." I wipe me tears away from my eyes with the palms of my hand because I was laughing so hard. "Thanks for's been a while since I've had a long laugh." He puts his hands on his face and looks really upset. "Oh no did somebody your close to pass away?"

"What? Harry no. God no.." He sighs a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god..I would have felt awful."

"I just really haven't had anyone to talk to because I just moved here." He rests his head in his hand seeming very interested. "I knew it. You just don't look like you know your way around that well."

"That obvious huh?" I laugh for what seems like the millionth time tonight. He was about to speak when the door bell rings. "One second."

A few minutes later Harry returns with the pizza and pulls out a couple of plates and napkins. "What do you want to drink?" He says while looking into the refrigerator. "I'll have what your having."

Harry places everything down at the counter I was sitting at and sits down next to me with two beers. "This okay?"

"Yes..It's been a while since I've had one of these as well." Which makes him laugh. "So tell me..What makes you come out here to Las Angeles." I was going to lie to him and tell him it was just a thing I was doing for the summer but I wanted to be open with him. Like I said before it's been a long time since I've spoken to someone about everything and I just feel like it will be good for me.

"You really want to know?" I say while drinking some of the beer he placed in front of me. "Only if you want to tell me." I nod my head. "Well I had some complications back home, in South Carolina...and I talked to my grandmother about everything because she is like my best friend we are super close. Anyway she suggested that I come out here and find myself, find out what I want to do when I get out of college...So yea now I'm here." I never really thought about how much I missed my grandmother until now..

"What kind of complications?.. if you don't mind me asking?"

"I was in a relationship that I shouldn't have been in or anyone should ever be in."

"Oh..I'm sorry about that Chloe."

"What really pushed me to move here was what my grandmother told me before I left and it's something I'll never forget."

"Yea and what's that?" He says being very intrigued.

"She told me 'you need to swim before you drown'." Harry looks at me and I can tell that those words have an affect on him. "I don't think I will ever be able to forget that either. It's meaningful and deep. You're lucky to have a relationship like that with your grandmother."

"Thank you Harry that means a lot." Everything had gotten very emotional in the past few minutes so I decided to change the topic. "Sooo..I'm sitting in a room with Harry Styles,THE Harry Styles I just can't believe it..How did I get so lucky?!"  He just grins trying to hold back his laughter "I don't know..But you should enjoy it while it lasts." Then he winks at me.

"Oh shut up Styles." I say while laughing. "Just saying." He shrugs his shoulders and continues to eat his pizza.

When I finish my slice I look up at Harry and he is just sitting there looking like he is deep in thought. "Harry?" He turns his head towards me abruptly, being disrupted from his thoughts. "Yes."

"Thank you for everything tonight." He shrugs. "Please, thank you for keeping your store open for saved my life."

I laugh. "Sure I did."

"It was a pretty bad cut I could have bled out and died."

"Harry..If it was that bad I would hope that you would go to the hospital instead of a store."

"I like to think of myself as a nurse..I could handle blood."

"Okay sure thing."

He looks down at his watch, "I guess I should be getting you home before it's too late." It kind of disappoints me to leave but he was right because when I look down at my phone I see that it's close to midnight. "Yea,thank you."

We walk out to where his car is, with my head down again with the same questions being thrown at me by the paparazzi.

It seemed as if the ride back to my place was faster than the ride to his place. Which didn't make sense to me.

But before I know it we are pulled up at my place. I was about to get out but before I do I turn to Harry. "I just want you to know that you made me feel like I was home again, having someone to talk to..It's really nice." He leans over the dashboard and hugs me. "Thank you." I smile and then get out of the car and head up to my place.


Talking to her tonight was different and I like different, I like her . As I saw her walk into her place I realized that I made a mistake.. I never got her number.


I wish at the time I wouldn't have been so naive and realized that everything I was feeling was something and not nothing...

Hey! I'm sorry for the later update but I have been super busy these past couple of days, but I promise this week the updates will be consistent.  I hope you guys liked this chapter! I'll be uploading again soon so make sure to save this story to your library so you can see when a new chapter has been posted. Maybe even comment you opinions on this chapter? Also make sure to vote and/or share my story? Thank you again for reading!

My Sweet Carolina-Harry Styles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now