Chapter 15- Confusing Feelings

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Chloe's P.O.V-

*Beep Beep Beep Beep* No... I don't want to get up. It can't be that time already.. I lazily open my eyes, turning over to see that it is 11:30. Well I guess it is.

Normally I would just say screw it and just go back to sleep but Sherry had called me just as I was about to fall asleep last night to ask if I could take an earlier shift. I found it weird but I didn't question it.

After taking a while to stretch, having just woke up, I walk over to my closet and pull out a pair of jean shorts with a blue t-shirt since the weather here is always quite hot and humid. 

I walk over to the bathroom and run the water until it is the right temperature. As the water warms up I brush my teeth and use the bathroom..I take my time because the water takes a while to warm up and the one thing I hate most is cold water while showering.

After about 15 minutes of being in the shower I turn the water off and pull my clothes on.

Once I leave the bathroom I head to the kitchen and have a banana; seeing as I won't be eating anything for a while longer. 

When I get back to my room I comb my hair and throw it up in a pony tail while deciding not to put any make-up on because I am feeling really lazy.

I grab my phone and keys then head off to work.

-After 10 minute walk to work-

"Hey thank you for coming in..I wish I could have asked sooner but  something unexpected popped up and I didn't have anyone else to call." Sherry says. I can see that she is flustered.

"It's okay Sherry I understand you can call me anytime." She smiled briefly and then rushed out of the store. I wonder what was so important and unexpected. 

I hadn't really thought about what she said until now, what could she possibly mean by she had nobody else to call? I mean there are other people that work here like Jerry. Of course I don't mind giving a helping hand to her, I mean she is the reason why I am not on the streets at this point. But it's just really odd.

I had been so deep in thought that I hadn't realized there was a customer waiting to be checked out. "I'm so sorry..I wasn't paying attention." I slipped my phone into my pocket and starting ringing up their items. 

After bagging everything I brought up the paying options onto the screen in front of them and it wasn't until I looked up to say their total that I knew I recognized the person. It didn't take long I mean I had just saw him again last night. My face heated in embarrassment hoping that he wouldn't recognize me. "22.50". "Hey Chloe! I didn't recognize you for a second there..So you work in this place huh?" I mentally slap myself in the head for being so stupid, actually thinking that he wouldn't know who I was.

"Yea..It pays the bills." I say laughing lightly. He pulls out the exact change, which made my job a bit easier by just having to give him his receipt and not figuring out how much money he needed back. 

"Well it was nice seeing you again." he was about to walk out when he turned around. "Oh and don't forget to text me!" Giving me a cheeky grin he turned around and walked out.

This time I actually face palmed. I'm so stupid, I forgot to text him. Ugh I must look like an absolute jerk..Or maybe I look like I don't want to rush into anything? This is so frustrating and too confusing for me. I wish I had somebody to talk to.

I look out into the store and see these two best friends laughing and making jokes as they walked up and down the aisles.

I never really had a best friend. Back home Justin was so controlling that he wouldn't let me so the only person that I considered a best friend was my grandmother. And I mean don't get me wrong she is the best and the person I go to for anything and everything but I just wish that I had somebody to talk to now who was around my age and could actually understand what I am going through at this point.

-3 hours later- 

Sherry had just gotten here moments ago telling me that I could go home, knowing that I must have had a long and busy day.

As soon as I got home I made my self a quick dinner and sat down on the couch, pulling out my phone. I scroll until I find the name I am looking for 'Noah'. I better text him now before I seem like a complete and total jerk. 

'Hey, it's Chloe'. I shoot a quick text and stare at my screen for a few minutes to wait for a response. But even after a good 5 minutes there still was no reply. 

Maybe he is just working.

I decide that going down to the front to see if I got any mail would be a good idea rather than just waiting around for a reply. 

When I get downstairs I see Alexis sitting at her desk. "Any mail today?" I ask kind of kidding myself, the only time I ever got mail was for any ads going around for stores. Nobody ever personally sent me anything, I mean why would they we have technology now.

But a small part of me hoped that I would receive something from somebody. There's something that I had thought of while sitting watching Harry on the celebrity news. I have missed talking to him. Maybe it was just the timing of when he talked to me or because he was so thoughtful? Like I said before I am not too good with this kind of stuff. 

"No not today." She said with the smile on her face that she always seems to have. "Thanks. See ya later Alexis." Almost every day was the same when I talked with Alexis, I always had a question then she would answer it and I would be on my way. 

But she seems like a fun person and maybe possibly a good friend? I don't know I guess it would just be nice to have somebody to talk to once in a while about things... Maybe I could see if she wants to hang out sometime this weekend. I'll ask tomorrow.

On my way back to my apartment all I could think about are the things that I want but don't have. I know it is selfish of me but they are things that almost every other person has and I don't. I guess this is part of finding myself, figuring out things that I wish I had but don't. 

Now it's time that I try and find these things. But one of those things aren't going to be so easy to find or in this case get.

Hi!! So I really just want there to be some contact between Chloe and Harry because like I feel there's something missing? And Noah better not get in the wayyyyy because then inner me will be really pissed.. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll be uploading again soon! Please remember to vote/comment or even add this to your library? Thank you again! xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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