Chapter 4- Traveling

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I woke up at 7:00 this morning so that way I can get a whole day of driving in. It is currently 3:00 in the afternoon and I'm towards the end of Oklahoma. My goal for today is to make it towards the end of New Mexico by 10:00. 

I look down to see how much gas I have and just as I suspected I needed to stop for some. As soon as I pull up at a gas station I pull my duffel bag from the back of the car into the passenger seat  and pull out the money I have. 

After counting I find that I still have 1,500 dollars left. Hopefully it will last me the rest of the trip. I pull out a 20 and fill my tank which will probably last me another 5 hours. I was about to leave when I remembered that I hadn't even informed my parents about what I am doing or where I am going. I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial my fathers cell phone number. As it rings I can't help but get nervous, how would they react to everything I am doing? That I am leaving college for a while so that way I can find myself? They are going to think I'm insane.

"hello."My father finally answers his phone. "Hey dad. How is everything?"

"I was just gonna ask you the same thing. Your mother and I went to your dorm this morning so we could go out for breakfast to celebrate the end of your Junior year, but you weren't there."

"yea about that..I decided that I'm going to California....for the summer." I wanted to tell him that I needed to get away for a while and that it wouldn't just be for the summer but I couldn't. I freaked out last minute and I lied. I can't believe I just lied to my parents. 

"Oh..Ok. We we were hoping to see you for a couple of days but if that's what you want to do..Have fun but be safe, please just let us know when you get there." At first I nod my head but then I forget that they can't see me. "I will.Love you." 

"Love you too." And just like that I was off once again.

Now that I think about it, I didn't get to really eat anything yesterday or today. I should probably stop and get something.

There has to be so--. Oh finally, there's one. I pull into the drive thru of a Wendy's and order a hamburger with a small fry. Yea I know very basic but it's simple and cheap. Perfect for my situation right now.

I eat inside my car in the parking lot and then I soon get back to driving.

-1 day later-

After stopping at a hotel the other night I got up early again the next morning and drove all day. I finally reached California, the only problem was I didn't know exactly where I wanted to go in California. So I stopped at a rest stop to hopefully find a map.

As soon as I walked into the building there were maps off to the right on a shelf. I pick one up and open it, the one thing that stood out to me was this big yellow star on Los Angeles. I never really thought about going there...

"We are so close to Las Angeles only a couple more hours!" I turn around and see a girl who looked to be 15 with her mother. "Calm down.I know your excited but don't be too loud." The girl shrugs her shoulder. "It's hard to be calm when were going to the best city ever where dreams come true... Besides it's rumored that Harry Styles is going to be there this week for their break in the tour." I smile understanding her excitement. Maybe I should try out Las Angeles.

I walked out the rest stop and hoped right back into my car. I took my phone out of my pocket and went to google maps. I wanted to find a cheap place to stay for a while and that took some time but after a few minutes I actually found a place for around 125 a week. I'm going to have to get a job as soon as I get there, the money I have won't last forever. And it is only 2 hours away, doesn't seem too bad, it is about 3:00pm now. I can make it before night fall. 

Harry's P.O.V

"Flight 120 is now boarding." I walk onto the plane and take my seat. Our shows in London went great but now we have a week's break, which is also great. I plan on spending a week in Las Angeles while the other lads are going to New York and Ireland. I'm sure you can figure out who's going to Ireland, we all need this week before we do our last show next week.

I'm excited to try and do some solo work, I even started doing some writing. I am nowhere near finished but I am proud to say that I have a couple of songs planned out. 


I knew that I would get here before night time came around. It is so mesmerizing here, the bright lights, the beautiful buildings, it all takes your breath away. 

"Destination is on the right." It's a good thing that the voice broke me out of my daze otherwise I would have missed the turn. 

Just as google maps said, the place was on the right. Let me tell you for only 125 a week it sure looks amazing. I pull into a parking space, grab my stuff and walk inside over to where a lady at a desk is sitting. 

"Hi. My name is Chloe. I was interested in staying here for a while, is there any rooms available?" The lady looks up and gives me a smile. "Sure let me check.." She starts typing away at the computer in front of her. "So what brings you here?" 

"I just needed to get away for a while and Las Angeles seems like the best place to go."

"Well you chose just the right place. Here is the key to your room, just call me if you have any questions or concerns." Once again she gives me a smile, which I gladly return. "Thank you." 

"No problem..Oh my name is Alexis by the way." I turn around "Nice to meet you." I wave goodbye and make my way to my room.

As soon as I open the door to my room I am impressed. I still can't believe that this place is only 125 a week. I have a small kitchen with an oven, microwave, and refrigerator off to the left, a living space with a television and love seat towards the far right in the back of the room. Then there is a door off to the left which has another television, a twin bed and another door which leads to a bathroom. It has everything that I need, I chose a great place.

I plop my bag and myself onto the bed and pull out my phone. I should probably call my grandmother and parents to let them know that I got here safely.

"Hey..Grams.It's me."

"Chloe! How is everything going?" She asks full of excitement. "I'm actually doing good.. I finally got were right I think this is exactly what I needed to do." I just picture the smile on her face which makes me smile. "Well get settled in.I'm glad everything is going good so far. Call me whenever you can. Love you."

"I will. Love you too."

As soon as I hang up with her I call my parents. "Chloe?"

"yes dad." 

"How is everything." He seemed nervous. "Good. I was just calling to let you know that I got here safely." He chuckles and breathes a sigh of relief. "That's good to hear...Well I'll let you settle in, call me when you get the chance."

"I will. Love you." 

"Love you too."

I look up at the ceiling shocked that I actually did it. I made it all the way to Las Angeles. 

But now I have to find a job and do something that I have been dreading this whole way here. Write Justin a letter. It would be wrong of me to just pick up and leave without explanation, I should at least try and explain.

As for right now, I think I should try and search for a job first and get some groceries. Than I can work on the letter. I just need to do what's most important first.

This was the beginning of my journey that would change my life....

Hey! I hope you guys liked this chapter! I'll be uploading again later so make sure to save this story to your library so you can see when a new chapter has been posted. Also make sure to vote and/or share my story? Thank you again for reading!

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