Chapter 6- A Long Day

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*Beep beep beep* I quickly sit up and rub my eyes with the back of my hands. "ugh what time is it?" I pick up my phone from the bedside table '10:00'. I must have hit snooze a while ago, I guess I should start getting ready.

Regretfully, I climb out of bed and head over to my bag that I still have in the corner of room (I've been too lazy to take everything out). I dig around in it for a minute or so until I finally find something that I like. Before starting the shower I walk into my kitchen and start a pot of coffee, It has been forever since I've had a cup and today seems like the perfect day to have one.

I head back over to the bathroom and start the shower, but before getting in I feel the water with my hand to make sure it's not too hot or cold, now you may judge me for this but hey it's just what I do. After washing my hair and my body, I turn the water off and wrap my towel around myself.

Walking over to the mirror, I comb my hair and put it up in a pony tail. Then I put my clothes on, I look in the mirror once again just to make sure that my outfit look presentable. Leggings and a light pink sweater, which will of course go with my infamous white converse. Well, I think I look decent. 

Once I walk out of the bathroom I head back over to my bag and pull out my foundation and mascara. 

When I finish applying the very little makeup I grab my phone and head back out to the kitchen. I turn the coffee maker off and pour some into a mug adding a little bit of milk and sugar. As I wait for my coffee to cool down a bit I pull out my phone and go on twitter, I haven't been on it in forever. While I scroll through my feed I see more about One Direction's announcement of going on a hiatus and how fans are reacting. 

As usual the author of the article made it seem very intriguing so I clink on the link and start to read the article. 

Wow by the looks of it the fans are not happy with everything going on. Personally I like their music, they have some pretty good songs like Best Song Ever and Perfect but I just don't get what the huge hype is about.

While I finish up the article I start to drink my coffee and think back to South Carolina. Ever since I was little my dream was to be a journalist, I worked hard for it every day of my life but now I am not so sure what I want to do. Everything is so complicated and I just hope that my stay here in Las Angeles will clear things up for me.

I was so into the article that I forgot that I have to go to work. I quickly glance at the time and see that it is 11:30. Okay that's not too bad, I have another half hour to get there. After finishing up my last bit of coffee I put the mug into the sink and make a mental note to wash it as soon as I get home. Originally I wanted to try and fit in some time to eat a little something but I woke up  a little later than planned so eating will have to wait.

I touch my pocket to make sure I have my phone... okay good. I was just about to walk out the door but then I remembered that I needed my keys to lock up. So I go over to the counter, grab my keys, and open the door. Of course now that I have my keys I lock the door behind me and take the stairs to the main level. Before I leave the building I look over and see Alexis is there so I wave "Good morning."

She gives me a smile smile "Good morning." Then I go on my way to work. 

On my way to work I see more places that I hadn't noticed yesterday, probably because I was too tired to even notice. There are a couple of night clubs, bars and of course even more clothing and shoe stores. This place sure has a thing about style.

Before I know it I see the familiar building and walk inside. Just as I walk in I see the older man from yesterday...I never did get his name. "Hey Chloe how are you doing?" I smile. "Good how are you..." He chuckles. "Jerry." 

"How are you Jerry." 

"Very good. You can probably go to the back room which is where it sounds like. The back of the store but on the right and grab your apron."

"Okay thank you." I hadn't been nervous at all yesterday or even this morning but as soon as I started walking to that back room the nerves take over me. I try to calm myself down before opening the door that just as Jerry said was in the back to the right. "You got this." And then I open the door. 

"Hey Chloe. Perfect timing your shift starts soon. Here is your apron if you need help at all throughout the day today just call for me or Jerry."

"Okay thank you." I tie the apron around my waist and was about to walk out towards the register but Sherry stopped me. "I started you at an early time today so you have the whole day to learn how this place runs. But I'm really going to need you for later shifts, Jerry usually does it but he's cutting back his hours."

"Okay thats fine, just let me know the times." 

-2 hours later-

My shift has been going pretty good but there have been a few mix ups. For example I didn't know how to enter the quantity of fruits or vegetables, which always seemed easy to me but trust me once your behind the register it's not so easy. 

"You can take a break Chloe." I look up and see Sherry standing at my register. "Are you sure." She nods her head. "Just be back in 15. You just need to finish up your 2 hours when you get back." 

"Thank you." I walk our from behind my spot at the register, where I had stood for 2 hours and go towards the yogurt in the store. It took me a couple of minutes to find it but I finally find the whipped strawberry yogurt that I absolutely love. After purchasing it at Jerry's register I sit on the sidewalk in front of the store and just look at all of the different streets and stores. 

I definitely need to walk around here when I get the chance, it looks so beautiful. After finishing my yogurt on look on my phone for a little while and then return to my spot behind the register waiting for the next customer.

-About 2 hours later-

I am just about to finish up my shift but I have a few more people in line so I check their items out first. "I'm so happy that you guys had it." This girl who looked to be around my age says handing me a magazine with the hugest smile on her face. I look down and see that this magazine includes an exclusive interview with One Direction and their talk about the hiatus. 

"I'm sorry if this comes off rude but whats the big hype about this band." She looks at me as if I'm crazy. "Well it's One Direction. There's no need to really explain it further. They have great music. great looks, and are amazing people." I smile. "Well I'm glad you found the magazine..That'll be $8.50." 

"Here you go." She says giving me a 10 dollar bill. I give her the change back and start to close up my register. I inform Sherry that I was clocking out. "Okay..Oh and Tuesday-Saturday 5-10pm?" I mentally want to scream because it was going to be my whole night, but it is money. Money that I need. "Yes. That's perfect."

My walk home seemed longer due to working for what seemed forever but as soon as I get back to my Place I kick my shoes off and throw myself on my bed. Yea I think I have decided to take a nap, when I wake up I should probably start that letter to send to Justin I don't want to wait too long and stress about it. 

Ugh I have no clue what I'm going to say...

Hey! I hope you guys liked this chapter! I'll be uploading throughout the week if I can or on the weekends. So make sure to save this story to your library so you can see when a new chapter has been posted. Also make sure to vote and/or share my story? Thank you again for reading!

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