Part 12

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*Alex’s POV*

Hmmm…. I’m not to sure I like the way she said that, or that little grin. Kinda made me second guess about our little promise. Was she gonna axe murder me now or something?

“Taylor!” I said suddenly remembering I had needed to tell her something. “You do know I’m riding the bus with you to your house right?”

She stopped in mid chew and stared at me blankly. “You’re what?” she asked simply.

“I’m riding the bus to your house. Our parents were talking last night and I asked if I could just ride the bus with you to your house since we were gonna pick up Clark anyway. Your mom said that would be fine.”

“Your brother’s not riding the bus too is he?!”

I looked at her somewhat surprised. Why did she give a damn if he rode the bus with us?

“Why do you care?” I asked a little more sharply than I meant. Her eyes immediately darkened. Oh shit, now I’d really done it.

“Because I honestly don’t want to have to deal with that scumbag on the bus and entertain you! Plus you hanging out with me has brought me a lot of attention that I honestly don’t want! You’ve been here a week or less and there are girls walking up to me and warning me to stay away from you, like I give a damn if you want them! Or they’re asking me how to get you to like them. Like I actually have a clue!” She finished in a huff, eyes blazing.

“Oh.” Was all I said. I couldn’t think of a response. I felt kinda bad after that. I felt like I was being a huge burden on her life and her saying that she didn’t give a damn about the other girls wanting me kinda hurt too. Why? I’m not sure. It shouldn’t have bothered me, but it did.

I looked up onto her eyes, and say they were still blazing. I looked away. Her gaze was too intense. I fiddled with my food and then looked back up at her. She wasn’t looking at me, she was staring at her food. Then she met my eyes, and she looked different. No longer angry, just confused. Sorry almost.

“Alex,” she started, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up like that. I’ve got a temper that I need to learn how to get under control. If anything I said hurt or offended you I’m sorry. Unfortunately I can‘t take any of it back now.”

“It’s fine Taylor.” I replied in all honesty. “I shouldn’t have responded in such a manner that would make you think I was upset. We could’ve avoided all this had it not been for that.”

She just smiled at me in a relieved way.


~Later, while waiting for the buses~

*Still Alex's POV*

“Alex!” Taylor called from behind me suddenly.

 I jumped in surprise. Again. I was already all uptight, and then she just had to go and activate my jumpiness!

 “Gosh dang it Taylor! You’ve got to stop doing that!” She just snickered, and looked up at me with a devilish look in her eyes. But then, quicker than a heart beat, the look was gone replaced by sadness. She smiled a smile that never reached her eyes, turned away, and said: “Come on City Boy, we don’t want to miss the bus.”

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