49// Forever

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"Okay one...two...three!" Carol yells as she runs in front of the camera next to Daryl.

We all stand next to each other, myself and Enid stand in the front holding Maggie and Judith in our arms. Everyone has big, wide grins on their faces, even Beth is in the picture.

The camera snaps and a flash goes off almost blinding me, the polaroid soon comes out.

"Okay we only need to take a few more of these and then everyone with have one for their house!" Michonne shouts.

"For mine and Rosita's I want us to all pull a funny face." Tara shouts.

We all laugh.

We take photos for the next twenty minutes, and by the time we're finished I'm exhausted.

The leader, Vera, comes over to our group grinning with Finn and Marsha walking beside her.
"Hi, we wanted to let you guys use the grand dining hall today so that all of you can have a big family dinner." She says smiling and rubbing Rick's shoulder.

"Thank you, we appreciate it." Rick says.

She smiles, "We're cooking up some venison today, hope you all like that." She grins and then walks away.

Everybody begins walking back to their cabin and I run to catch up with Enid.


"Hi. " She says.

"Do you trust this place?" I ask.

She sighs and then looks down at Maggie,
"I don't know, I want to believe this is a good place. For her. For Judith."

"For us. " She whispers.

I smile slightly, "I think we could be happy here." I say.

She looks at me and gives me a big smile, one I haven't seen in a while, "I hope you're right." She leans over and pecks my lips.

I push the double stroller with both infants in it, she places her hand ontop of mine and we walk back to our cabin with Glenn speading ahead.


"Enid! Baby, are you almost ready?" I call from the couch in the living area.
"Did you just call me baby ?" she shouts through the door, laughing.

The door handle twists and the door slowly opens, Enid walks out wearing a black long sleeved dress and a pair of black slip on shoes.

Her lips painted a dusty pink and her eyelashes visible and coated black.

I stand up starstruck.

I've never seen her wearing a dress, My mouth hangs open over how beautiful she looks.

Of course she always looks beautiful, even when her hair is caked in sticky walker blood and dirt.

"Wow, you look-" She cuts me off.

"Terrible." She finishes.

"No! You look amazing!" I shout.

I quickly grab Glenn's polaroid camera from the coffee table and snap a quick picture of her.

"Hey!" She laughs, she pounces ontop of me trying to get the photo out of my hand.

We begin wrestling on the couch.

I hear Glenn begin climbing down the ladder, "Hey what's going on here?" He laughs.

"Quick, Glenn, take this photo." I quickly hand it to him and he runs off with it.

Enid begins chasing him around the cabin to try and get the photo, both laughing like little children.

Me and Glenn pass it to and fro, until she surrenders and give up.

"Fine! You win, but I'll get you Carl Grimes." She points at me.

"You too Glenn Rhee." She points at him.

Enid grabs the push chair and places Maggie in it so we can all leave to go to the grand dining hall.

We walk for a long time but it just feels like we're wallking around in circles.

"Guys, we've been walking in circles for the past twenty minutes! Do you even know the way?" Enid says.

We hear talking in the distance and see Rosita, Tara and Sasha walk towards us.

"Guys we can't find the dining hall." Rosita says.

"We can't either." Glenn says.

Tara and Rosita walk over to Enid, "Here let us push the stroller."Tara smiles and takes over.

Sasha walks over to Glenn and links his arm.

Rick comes running over to us, "Where the hell have you guys been?!" He says out of breath, bending down and resting his hands on his knees.

"Rick Grimes, I could barley recognise you without your beard!" Sasha chuckles.

Rick motions for us to follow him.


I pull my napkin from out of my shirt and throw my head back,  whilst I undo my jeans.

"Woah! I am stuffed!" Abraham yells.

"Same." Everyone says lazily, slouching back into their seats.

That is the most food I have eaten since this whole thing started.

My dad holds up a glass filled with wine, "I'd just like to make a toast everyone." He says banging his knife on the edge of the glass.

I look at the red filled liquid in front of me and pick up the glass.

Last time I drank this was at the CDC and it was disgusting.

"I want to make a toast for new friends, a new beginning and a new home!" He says.

Everybody lifts their glasses.

"To new beginnings!" Everybody cheers.

I take a sip and not to my surprise, I end up slowly spitting it back out into the glass.

"We could stay here forever. " Enid whispers close to my ear, clinking her class of orange juice to my wine glass.

"Forever."I whisper looking down at the glass in my hand, smiling.

Guys, that was the last chapter!!

I'm sad that this story is finally finished!!!

I'm going to miss writing it so much!

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