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The sanctuary

*1 week from Enid's last chapter*

(Unknown POV)

Shit, I'm so fucked!

I can't believe I was so stupid coming back to this area.

I've been running down this dirt gravel road for about 10 miles without stopping in my broken shoes.

Flashback two months

"Sherry, c'mon we gotta get outta here!" Dwight yelled at my sister Sherry.

"What if he finds us , he'll kill me . I'm supposed to be marrying him!" I yelled at them.

Sherry ran over to me yanking my arm over to a car and speeding off.

"He's not going to find us okay! we're going to go far away from here!"

"We can't live at the sanctuary any longer, Negan can't control us!" Sherry yelled.


Not too many days after that Dwight went to the store about a mile south ready for our journey away from here.

Negan found him and he took him back to the sanctuary.

We thought all this time that he was dead, until we saw him yesterday.

"Well, well, look what we have here" The voice said as I turned around.

I gasped when I saw him, I thought he was dead all this time.

Dwight had the left side of his face burnt off.

He had a cross bow slung over his shoulder, we stole it from some guy called Daryl in the Burnt down forest.

He had me kneel down next to him, with a gun to my head.

This isn't the Dwight that I remember.

He's been completely brainwashed.

"Please, please don't kill me D" I whimpered.

He chuckled.

"Kill you? Who said anything about killing you Tina?" He said a grin on his face.

"I was just gunna take you back with me and keep you prisoner in a cell, I don't know. Make you wear beige and feed you dog food sandwiches. Blast Easy street all day everyday. That should be enough punishment. You'll crack."


"As for sherry, ah my beautiful sherry. Negan doesn't want Tina anymore. No, no, no, he wants to marry you now"

Suddenly we heard rustling in the bushes, I took that as the perfect opportunity.

I quickly clamped my teeth down on his crotch.

He got away with his men leaving me, but taking Sherry with him.


"Dwight, oh my gosh what happened?" I yelled running over to him.

"Hey, hey you shouldn't be running since your pregnant."

"Running is all we do nowadays"

"Who's this?" I asked staring at the woman behind him.

"I'll explain later, I need your help anyways." Dwight said.

"Sure, well I'm just gunna go find Glenn then."

I started walking back in the other direction until I heard Dwight call me.

"Enid?" He called.

I turned around quickly smiling


"Me and Negan have been talking, we're gunna go out and look for that sheriff kid with you probably tomorrow. Okay?" He said

I ran up to him and engulfed him in a huge hug.

"Thank you so much Dwight." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek before walking off.

I've been wearing Carl's hat ever since I found it back at the prison, I won't stop wearing it. Not until I find him.

It's all I have left of him.

Well that and this baby I'm carrying, I hope it has his beautiful blue eyes, and my full cheeks.

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