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After a long talk with that guy Jesus I finally was able to go back and see my father.

I sat down in a chair next to his bed, it was just like when he was In his coma before this all happened.


"Carl- everything is going to be okay, your father is a strong man and a fighter. He will pull through." My mom said.

She came up to me and wrapped me tight into a hug, I always found her hugs comforting and they made me feel somewhat safe

"How can you just say that, dad's been shot. He could die!" I sobbed

"Baby I know your scared, I am too but you know how amazing you daddy is and he's a fighter. He's dealt with so many bad things and nothings killed him so far. Your daddy's a fighter Carl."

She was now crying.

"I need you to be strong okay."

"I want to go and see him." I demanded.

"Of course baby."

We made it to the hospital, they made us wait hours to see him.

"Ricks is currently in a coma but he should pull through, we have stopped all bleeding and repaired the wound." The doctor said.

"He will need some blood though"

I walked in an saw my dad's weak, pale body in the bed.

I sat down next to him and started crying , I've never seen him like this before. So helpless.

"Mom, I'm giving him my blood."

"No, no sweetie you can't do that." She said sternly.

"Yes I can, we are the same blood type, I am going to mom."

"No, you listen to me when I tell you this Carl Grimes. You are not giving your blood!"

End of flashback.

He started to wake up.


He groaned as he sat up.

"Yes son?"

"I know that you know why your getting sick, now tell me why." I demanded.

"Carl this is not necessary. What's going on with you and that girl Lydia?" He said trying to avoid the question.

"There is nothing going on between me and Lydia, now tell me why!" I yelled at him.

He just rolled onto his other side ignoring me.



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