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Brand new Carnid story guys!!


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"When I finally woke up they told me that the bullet only skimmed my skull, that I had been in a coma for nearly six months. I got out with somebody he was special to me, we were in love. We found a group called The founders, they wanted to put the world back together, find civilisation again and bring order to the world. Most of them are dead now including my boyfriend who I escaped with. Our old base was attacked by walkers, there's only a few of us left."

We all sit around a fire, the flames flickering and light beaming out as Beth tells us her story about how she's still alive. We're stationed on the highway using our cars, the RV and two big vans we found to create a square blocking any walkers from getting in.

I think it must be winter now because the weather is cold and crisp, luckily we found scarves and hats in suitcases. Me and Carl both have maroon scarves on, I have a matching hat but Carl has his sheriff hat on. We're sat side by side, his arm holding me close to his chest and baby Maggie in his other. I look up into the sky and see green and yellow fireflies flying above our heads causing me to smile.

"We now live on these old camping grounds, it's maybe 10 miles away from here. You can come back and stay with us at The waters edge. " Beth says.

Everybody looks at each other and we all nod towards one another, "It's settled, tomorrow we head for The waters edge." Daryl says leaning in to talk to all of us.

"We have a long road ahead of us, I suggest we all get some rest now." Jesus says.

Everybody begins walking towards their vehicles, we head for the RV "Carl, Enid can I talk to you a minute." Michonne says as more of a statement than a question.

We walk over to Rick and Michonne, "You guys can have that van there, you have a family now so you get to have your own little space. But Judy needs to stay in there with you as well." Rick says patting Carl's shoulder.

Me and Carl walk over to the van carrying the babies in our arms, when Carl opens the van door I see two moses baskets so I climb in and settle them down each in their own basket and place them on the front seats. I grab his bag and shuffle through it finding two flannels to cover up the side windows at the front and a big blanket to cover the main window. I lock the doors and then go to the back where Carl is laying down in a double sleeping bag with a little lamp next to him so it's not pitch black.

I settle into the sleeping bag and lean on my elbow so that I can face Carl, his face no longer wrapped with a bandage and his hair all messy and in front of his eye so I won't see. I brush the hair out of the side of his face so that I can see his wound but he grabs my wrist to stop me.

"Don't, it's disgusting." He whispers.

"Carl, it's okay I want to see." I whisper back kissing his forehead.

I move my hand back to his fringe so that I can see his eye, the socket is covered over with red scars and cartilage making me gasp.

"See, I told you it was disgusting." He covers his face with his hands but I move them away.

"No, it's beautiful." I whisper into his ear and gently kissing his wound.

He kisses my lips, something I've missed and been deprived of for too long so I don't hesitate to kiss back. The kisses are long and in sync, not rushed or hungry, but romantic and passionate. He slowly rolls on top of me as we continue to kiss when his hand finds the button of my jeans. As he undoes my jeans I begin fumbling with the buckle on his jeans and pulling it out of the loops.

Carl stops suddenly, "What's wrong?" I whisper, my lips missing the feeling of his.

He sits up and grabs his bag, "Just needed this." He whispers holding up a condom.


Our legs tangled together, our hair a mess, sweat coating both our bodies as we both pant. Carl's body pressed against my own creating a friction, he suddenly collapses on top of me out of breath.
"That...was.... amazing." He pants out.
I grab Carl's face and crash his lips into mine. The kiss sloppy and hungry.

He rolls off my body and lays with his body spread out under the covers the same as mine, he grabs my hand and entwines our fingers together. We both lay there in silence until I roll over and put my head on his chest, listening to the sound of his heart beating rapidly.

Suddenly we hear a shout causing us to jump up and quickly put our clothes on. We jump out of the van and make sure to shut the doors so that the babies are safe. Glenn and Sasha are stood on the roof of RV firing guns, everybody else soon gets out of their vehicles to see what's happening.

"What the hell's going on?!" Daryl shouts climbing on top of the RV.

"Oh shit! Walkers!" He yells.

We all climb on top of the different Vans and begin shooting them down. We're surrounded by at least 100 walkers, we hear another ear piercing scream and when I look towards the source of the sound I see Lydia falling off the top of the RV as it sways and shakes. Falling into the crowds of walkers.

"Mother dick! We need to get the fuck outta here!" Abraham yells.

We all get down, me and Carl running to our Van with Rosita and Tara Carl sits up front with Tara and me and Rosita sit at the back holding onto the babies.

The van speeds away.

There's only a few more chapters left and then an epilogue!

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