Chapter 1 -A Bloodly Legend

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"wake up sleepy head"
     "(yawn) yes love, im up" i said stretching my arms
     "remember we have a mission. " the voice in my head said
    "i know i know giselle.  Take care of the creature that been slaughter females yes yes i know.  It basically just feral vampire to be honest. "
     "maybe ,maybe not. Ether way you have to stop it tonight."
     "we been here 3 hours and nothing. Maybe the contact was wrong? It wouldn't be the first time, right. "
      I got up from behind the dumpster i was kneeling by. I gotten a contract the day before to take care of whatever been killing young teens in the south side of San Antonio.  The contract said there was a figure that been seen with the victims walking towards this house that i have been waiting for across the street by this smelly dumpster 
    "i guess your right oh well i guess its time for me to leave you alone then" giselle said with a sad tone. Giselle was my high school crush.  (even though she is still in high school and i graduated.) also she was the first forest fairy i met. She lives in my hometown of Gonzales but shes talking to me through the soil of the ground. Yes, this is a real thing. She may not be able to see me in person but its comforting to talk to her still.
    "yeah, night love." i said slowly walking away from my hiding spot. As i was walking away i heard voices coming back from the direction of the house.
     "Always have to happen right when i want to leave. Ugh back to the dumpster." i whispered to myself.
  As i went back to my position i saw three figures walking towards the house.  2 girls and a guy they all seem to  normal to be something otherworldly as i suspected .
   "okay so going nightstick not blades  then."
   The trio went into the house laughing "those poor girls don't know what they getting into" i slowly followed and enter the house with my night stick out.
" okay then girls im gonna go to the restroom so y'all can just stay here. " the man said leaving the room. I walked slient behind where the women were sitting.
"okay girls i think the party is so i say leave now for im sure this man is a killer. " i said to the girls.
   One girl turned around with black eyes
   "oh he's not the killer my friend." she said with a deeper tone. The other girl fell back with a splatter as her body hit the floor all of her body parts came apart and fell everywhere. "i hope you understand im still hungry ." she said lunging at me pinning me to the ground.
She got close and bit down on my left shoulder. I screamed in pain as it was a burning sensation. I quickly threw her off me.
"ma'am im sorry to say but its gonna take alot more then that. " i said moving my shoulder with a grin. I looked around to see where she went but i couldnt find her.
    "your not human. uh wolf?"her voice echoed through the house. "up here kiddo. " she said from the ceiling
She had beautiful dark hair and a besutiful green dress when she lunge at me but now she had and a adomen of of spider but that was the only change. "why are you doing this pup you should know by now im not gonna be easy to kill. " she gloated
"hmm arachne i believe a creature of mythology. Guess it time to squash a legend then. " i said with a smirk and lunge at her . She grabbed me mid lunge
   "your adorable .want to be my pet pup?" she laughed and threw me across the room.
"at least im not the only one having fun."i said laughing and wiping blood off my face. I pulled out my two switch blades from my pockets. I lunged straight at her again.
   "Again pup but with human weapons? Really?." she tried to grabbed me but i was a little faster and got her in the guts with my knifes.
"pain makes me faster and stronger and these knifes were blessed by the archbishop so they are effected against creatures like us." i said with a grin
And grabbed my knifes and pushed them in deeper and threw her to the ground with them.
"well u know creature like us cant be killed forever so i will see you again." she said spitting up green blood on the ground. I sat next by her body realizing she may have been a legend but she was super easy to kill. I got up and walked out of the building and looked back realizing i shouldnt leave the house without burning it to erase the evidence.  I quickly went to a gas station to get some gas so i can burn the house. As i got to the house it was already in flames.
    "who did this. " i said gazing at the fire.
     "you ruined my recruitment sir" a voice said behind me. I turned around to receive a sword in my gut. I stared at my assailant. He was a man with blue eyes and white hair. He looked young but smelled of death. He took his sword out and threw a powdered substance in my face blinding me.
"get in my way again and you will die" the mans voice echoed and ranged in my head over and over again.

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