The small snake heads started to float back going into jack. Jacks body started to change he was getting bigger. More reptilian like. I have to do something. I thought to myself.
"if you can get a distraction i can release you and you can prevent from getting stronger. " Arachne said. What can i do though without him noticing me. I kept thinking until i remember something.
"Ak'is i need help " i whispered into the winds. Did it work? I asked myself. Then a loud screeched was heard getting louder and louder. It was Darren he flew straight towards jack in the form of a giant vulture. Jack quickly moved out of the way dropping his right hand down.
"What in heavens name." jack said dodging Darren swooping attacks.
"NOW!" Arachne said swiftly cutting the webbings around me. I was free but what could i do i thought quickly.
"use the bolt. " a voice said within my head. I looked at the thunder bolt sticker wondering what the hell would it do.
"What the hell. " i said taking the non stick side off of it. I put the no sticky side in my palm with the sticky side facing out. I lunged toward jack with my palm exposed. He quickly turned around to get smacked straight in the face by my upward thrusting palm strike. I knew taking self defense classes would work one day. Jack fell to the ground from the impact.
"Nice try pub" he said getting back up. He took the sticker off of his forehead. "what the hell is this. Is this a freaking sticker. YOU USED A STICKER TO ATTACK ME.! THE GUY WHO LITERALLY JUST BROUGHT HELL ON EARTH AND THEN CLOSED IT WITH JUST SAYING A WORD!" He yelled hysterically. "Dont know if i should be offended or not." he said continuing to laugh.
"Well i would feel scared if i was you." A voice said from behind him. It was the weird hippie who gave me the sticker.
"NO!" Jack said with a rage in his eyes. "Zeus " he said raising both of his hands into fist dashing towards him.
"Yeah i know its me" the old guy said said lifting his hand stopping jack in his track by placing his index finger where the sticker was. With in that moment a flash of light exploded from where Zeus put his finger on Jack. Jack flew to the edge of the roof. When he got up he was no longer the reptilian monster before. He was a old man. "there now your a mortal and no longer magical" Zeus said calmly. "Okay im out. Im having people over in Olympus so i had to make it fast. sorry you cant take pictures with a god and show your friends but yeah later. " Zeus said waving bye.
" Wait why didn't you do that early." i yelled confused by the whole event that just took place.
"im a terrible person i like to give people false hope. Im a god its what i do. " Zeus said picking up the sticker jack took off. " let me get rid of this that contains the remnants of typhon don't need that winged snake bastard to be around again. "Zeus said closing his fist around the sticker. You could electricity within his palm when he opened it ashes were all that remained. " As for jack you can do what you want with him that's my gift to you." he said motioning to him. As he has appeared quickly and silently he left the same way.
"Um okay." i said looking at Darren and Arachne for answers on what just happened. I glanced at jack who was looking at his wrinkly old hands. He looked up at me shaking with emotionless eyes. "So now what jack your probably gonna die any moment to be honest of old age so its your call. " i said. He looked at me then look at the ground.
"Push me" he said weakly. He could barely say the words as he slowly stood up. I didn't want to do it but it was his request so i had no choice. I walked to him. As i put my hand on his shoulder i felt three sharp pains. I looked down at my chest to see jack hand on the handle of sliver dagger that was thrusted into me. Along with the points of two blades that the tips were sticking out of my stomach
"whoopee" jack said weakly laughing as he fell back wards off the roof. I tried to turn around but i couldn't. The blade jack used was lingered with the snake venom. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.
"i did say i was gonna have my revenge pup." i heard whispered into my ear. Then i felt a gentle push.

The Howling Of A Hero
FantasyHalf breed werewolf protects the balance of the creature of the night and the humans. yet lays a ancient evil that threaten everyone way of living. Can he stop this evil and save everyone or will he fail and let this darkness consume everyone