Chapter 12 - A Trap?

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   Didn't take me long to get to the court house. I stared at for awhile realizing i never really remember how it look on the inside just that it has a bell tower on the top.
   "evil guy with evil plan more then likely gonna be at the very top by the bell" i said out loud knowing im right.  I opened the door and had the smell of decay just hit me. "yeah that's the smell of politics nothing unforgiving then the smell of Justice." i thought.  Too bad nobody was around to listen to my terrible joke about politics. "Oh well" i walked in side. In the middle of the building there's a giant spiraling staircase that's leads all the way to the top. "yep its a trap if i ever seen one."i thought walking up it. It felt like hours of just walking up before i reached the door the roof.
   "wow this was easy" i said a little surprised. I paused ready for something to happen because something bad always happen when somebody says that. Yet, nothing did.
   "maybe my luck is changing after all." i said a little relieved. I opened the door and proceeded to the roof.

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