Chapter 8 - A Sweet Reunion

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   I told Darren about my encounter with jack and my situation.
  "well damn. Ak'is your life sucks. " the sentence that everybody said to me  my whole life. I told darren to take me to the place where i peaked at my highest in life. My old high school. Darren dropped me off in his 1980 ford mustang. You can take the Indian from his land but you cant take the land from the indian. "Remember Ak'is you ever need my help just whisper in the wind and gods will tell me" he said manually rolling up his window. I watch as his mustang took off. I realized i have made many friends in my travels along with enemies sadly. Now time to wait outside of the school and not try to look like a pedophile.
   It felt like forever before school got out. It took even longer to find her. My adorable purple princess. Giselle Annette Diaz. It been awhile since i been able to see her. Giselle has brown skin and adorable bold black nerd glasses like me. I quickly ran up to her and hugged her. It felt good to have her in my arms. We hugged for what felt like hours and even when we stop she hugged me some more apologizing for it.
"how are you!?" she asked excitedly "There's something different about you but oh well you have to tell me how it went last night." she said happily.
  "well ehh." i said trying find away to put into words what happened. Her attitude changed from happiness to worry.
   "what happened?" she demanded.
   "well you are gonna need to sit down for this." i said.
   I took her to nearest park where we sat om the biggest tree.  The lions park where kids come to learn all of the vulgar language from graffiti in the little​ tubes of the play scape. I told Giselle everything  that happened. The situation with ben, the Jack encounter and how i ended up here.
   "oooooooh that man. I want to fish slap him like wack wack slap wack. And step on toes and make sure he feels it forever like that stubbing your toe feeling. " she said reacting it. She was always adorable when she said stuff like. Giselle have always been that innocent girl she doesn't cus and she hates violence something you don't see in a world as screwed up like ours. "we'll at least your safe and that's all that matter." she said hugging me again.
   "yeah everything will just be fine." i said smiling
  "soo since your now a full breed what does that mean because im not entirely smart when it comes to things like this." she said.  Unlike me Giselle barely realized what she was like a year ago and she been practicing her magic ever sense.
   "well it means now i turn full wolf now. " i said " i was strong before but i should be stronger and my senses should have approved" i said realizing i haven't even thought about testing it out i been to focused on seeing Giselle. I jump off of the tree branch i was sitting on and sniff the air. I my smell have gotten better i could smell my bbq coming from the bbq place down town. We are a good 3 miles away from it. I could also smell all of the animals that were here in the mornings. "this is great!" i said continuing to sniff the air. Until i sniff a familiar smell. I smelled Death. " GISELLE RUN!" i yelled getting in front of her.

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