Chapter 13 - The Plan

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    "hey Devon. Why aren't you mad my dear boy" Jack said floating in front of the bell. "come on now you know that's was the only you could beat me." he said whiny.
  "you know for being a person who basically brought hell on earth you remind me of my ex who was very needy." i said laughing  "i really don't need to be a mad dog to kill you seem easy enough. " i said being cocky. Even though now he's floating and his skin is scales now and his hands are demons claws. I feel pretty confident.
   "you know i said that to make you feel better." he said laughing. "i mean look around there's death everywhere. Glorious and beautiful death." he said motioning to look down.  There were creatures still falling from the ground. I could see Giselle roots stopping as many that they can but they just kept on coming. I need to finish this now. I was about to lunge towards him.
   "i wouldn't do that pup" a voice said from within the bell. A giant spider with a human body crawled out. It was Arachne. "you haven't noticed your a little bit tied up at the moment. " she said motioning to the webs all over my body.  She was right i was stuck. Maybe it was a trap after all i thought as She jumped at me. I closed my eyes expecting to be bitten. Yet nothing happened. I opened my eyes to see Arachne on the ground next to me bleeding out. All of legs were broken off.
   "he haven't even heard my plan why try to kill him. " jack said throwing arachne legs of the roof.
  "but wasn't opening the veil to the underworld the plan?" she asked in pain.
    "my little eight legged pawn no it was not. Well not entirety." he said poking her nose. "boop." he chuckled.  "okay the wolf knows most of my plan how im gonna summon typhon but he doesn't know how though." he said turning to me giving a smirk. " Yes i am crazy enough to do that but im not just gonna summon him. IM GONNA BECOME HIM!" he said laughing at the top of his lungs.
    "Your mad. " Arachne said spitting out some of green blood. She weaved some of her webs over her legs that were bleeding to clot them. "there's no way in the world you can do that ." she said glaring at him.
   "oh but there is a way.  Im not a mortal man if you haven't noticed well i was but  that died when Zeus threw his bolt at typhon sealing him in tartarus. He did seal him away but not entirely.  You see when he fell to the ground he was able to transfer some of his power to a mortal one of his worshippers." he said excitedly pointing at himself. "which that power i have been able to live through the ages. I seen it all.  I was the one to accuse johnna arc of being a witch. For she was a warrior of light and might have a chance to stop me. I was also the notorious jack the reaper. With those murders i have been able to increase my power by sacrificing the body parts of those prostitutes but it wasn't enough. I needed to sacrifice a enormous amount of souls to break the veil to unleash my true power. He said rubbing his hands devilishly.
    "So your planning on sacrificing the people of Gonzales? You'll  need A lot more. its the town is small so i may contain two maybe three thousand but that still wouldn't be enough for the power your planning on using." i asked in disbelief by what jack was planning on doing.
   " hahaha. " he laughed. He turned to me looked me straight in the eyes with a devilish grin. " key word souls.  I never said they had to be humans "

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