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My boss and I entered the extravagant hotel. Grey marble floors covered every inch of the hotel. A gorgeous crystal chandelier hung above our heads. I waited as my boss got us checked in. Strangely I felt happy, very happy.

We were on the ninth floor of the hotel. I walked into the lavish hotel room in awe. It was so well color coordinated. I furrowed my brow as I noticed there was only one bed.

"Sorry, this was the only room left so you'll be sleeping on the chair," my boss stated as he opened his suitcase.

What the hell. He could have at least tried to be a gentleman and offered me the bed. I looked at the white leather chair and it looked pretty comfortable. I guess I would have to learn to live with it.

My boss grabbed his wallet and turned to me. "I'm going to go buy a gift, so go to the pool or something."

"Uh okay," I say.

He turns his back and leaves the room. I decide to go check out the beach right outside the hotel. I put on a loose lacy top over my bright red bikini.

The sunset shone across the crystal clear water making it picture perfect. My toes dug into the warm sand as I walked along the edge of the water. It was so serene and peaceful. I think I literally walked for almost two hours, but it felt like only two minutes had passed.

As I was walking back to the hotel I spotted a big tiki bar. There were tables and chairs all around. All I could hear was the chatter and the music. I decided to prop myself on one of the bar stools.

"What can I get for ya young lady?" The bartender asked.

"Strawberry daiquiri please," I smiled. The wind blew gently threw my hair making feel at peace. I didn't pay attention to anything around me except for the music and the waves crashing into the sand. I decided that I should probably go before my boss starts to freak out or something.

"How much?" I ask, as the bartender comes back.

He pointed at this man with his head turned back to us and said, "He already paid for you."

Seconds later the man turned and gave me a smile. Of course I smiled back. His dirty blonde hair was in messy curls that laid on top his forehead. His deep blue eyes held a warmth inside and his perfect pink lips framed his pearly whites. I didn't realize I was staring at him until he winked at me bringing me back to reality. I felt a huge blush come across my face. I quickly turned and took my leave back to the hotel.

A soft hand lightly grabbed my wrist. I turned to see the beautiful guy from the bar. Oh god, I could feel another blush coming on, but at least it's a little bit dark.

He let go of my wrist and smiled. "You know, I've never had a girl run away from me before."

I laughed nervously. "I wasn't running away, trust me."

He cocked an eyebrow at me. "Then what was that back there?"

I looked down at my hands that were moving nervously. "Uhh it's late and I thought I should go sleep."

He took a look at his watch and said, "It's only 8:30."

Still not looking into his eyes, I say, "Well early bird gets the worm."

He laughs a bit. "So I don't make you nervous?"

"No." I say looking at my sandals.

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