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It's raining.
Felicity likes rain.

When it rains Felicity gets to snuggle up with Oliver in her bed and stay there.

When it rains it gets cold.
Felicity likes it when it gets cold.

When it's cold Felicity gets to bury herself into Oliver and talk about anything and everything.

It's raining right now.

Felicity is snuggled up with Oliver, their legs intertwined together and her head resting on his shoulder.

He has his left arm under her head,and the other up her shirt. Of course he's shirtless, with only a pair of navy blue basketball shorts on.

Felicity has on Oliver's grey shirt and that's it.

Felicity doesn't usually do much on Saturday's anyway,especially when it's raining.

" You're really warm." Felicity moans as she tries to snuggle as close as their bodies allow.

"Thank you?" He replies,a light smile on his face.

"Your welcome." She says side kissing his pec.

" it's good we have a day off from all the... drama." Felicity sighs.

Oliver just nods in agreement.

"Oliver." She says softly,so soft he barely catches it.


"I... why?"she asks. Almost hoping he didn't hear it.

The question makes him raise his eyebrows and he turns his head to look at her. " why what?"

" why, why me? I mean I know it's stupid and cliche of me to ask,and it makes me sound super insecure but I-"

"Felicity." He gently pleads.

She shakes her head and starts moving to get up but a large calloused hand wrapping around her stops her mid way.

"Felicity I didn't mean it like that, I don't want you to go. I was just ... thinking."
He says, shining those ocean deep blue eyes at her in apology.

She surrenders and plops back down in her original spot.

It's quite for a couple of breaths then olivers deep brooding voice speaks.

"I.. I choose you because, because I knew deep down somewhere that you actually believed in me. That you actually had faith and not false hope. Whenever I did something and someone was disappointed in me,I felt bad but... it wasn't what I felt when you were disappointed in me."

She knew he wasn't finished yet, but she stole a quick kiss from him anyway. Just to make sure this moment was real and she wasn't dreaming.

" And when I made you happy or proud, it felt like- like I won the Olympics or the Grammy awards. I'd never felt that way. Every time I touched you or you placed you hand on my shoulder it felt likes fire spreading across my skin."

" Felicity I may not show it, or say it much but , I-..I love you.... I'm in love with you."

And that was it. That was when all her worry washed away. They had never said those words to each other. Verbally at least, it was exchanged between the eyes, and the touches and the kisses.But those sweet little 3 words peacefully falling from his lips, made her think that maybe they do have hope. No they do have hope. She has hope in them.

She partially realized she is just there, him waiting on her reply awkwardly laying there.

She stutters a bit, just from all the emotions rushing at her at once but finally got it out "I love you too, I love you too Oliver."

There were no words for a moment, but then Oliver turns to look at her and gives her the best kiss of life.

One filled with passion and love all in one.

One that said we'll be fine

And she perfectly agreed.

That was the day she declared that Saturday was most definitely her favorite day.


🙂 tell me if I should continue this particular story or just do one shots.

Show me some luv plz❤️

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