Chapter 23

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"Arch!" Eliseo finally gets out of my cobweb. "June!" Icenia gets out of the cobweb and helps Izmir and Ragmir out. I open my eyes and see him. "Cayz, don't ever try to kill them again? Okay?" June's smoothing voice waves over me. "June...I'm sorry." I start to cry and the jewel breaks. "THE CURSE BROKE!" Eliseo shouts in happiness. My eyes open pretty wide and then they went to the normal color, white/blue. "Damn it. I thought I saved her. Why did you have to come along, June." Arch rolls his eyes and crosses his arms against his chest. "I guess he was too happy to see Cayz. Then seeing her in a mess like this, yeah. I bet he was worried." Eliseo grins and June rolls his eyes. "Dad!" June whines and everyone laughs. I wipe my tears off and I hug my friends. "I'm sooo sorry!! I didn't know what that jewel was and I had to see if for myself and I didn't know that would happen! It felt like someone controlled over my body."  I cry and they comfort me. "Its okay--" Icenia gets interrupted by Izmir. "Ummm...Acnik must have controlled over you. Since you believe this is his fault." Izmir says and we stare at him. "DUDE!! IF HE CONTROLLED OVER HER BODY! AND BECAUSE HE'S SUCH A PERVERT, DUDE!!! CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT HE COULD HAVE DONE!?" Ragmir yells at him. "Now that you mention it I--" "Shut up, guys. You don't want Cayz and her friends to hear. You guys are perverts too." Arch hits Izmir's head. "Oww.." Izmir whines. "GUYS! WE HAVE WORK TO DO!" Eliseo yells and we quickly wonder the house and to see if we found any clues. I go down to the basement and keep searching. "I never knew my basement was this big." I talk to myself letting my voice echo in the basement. "I also didn't know its this dark." I grab my phone and switch on the light. "Wait a second..this isn't my basement.. When was it damp down here? And now it's cold and hot what's going on down here? Wait...why is there vines..." I whisper to myself looking around. Suddenly I'm lost. WHATS GOING ON?? I thought to myself. HOW AM I GETTING LOST DOWN HERE?? THIS IS MY OWN BASEMENT! I look around but its dark and I could'nt see but my phone's light. I felt something and I look up to see something dripping down on me. I shine my phone's light and my face went pale. A DEAD BODY!? I step on something and I look down. "ANOTHER DEAD BODY!? A WOMEN!!!!" I crouch down and look at the face. My mouth opens at the wounds and bruises. "What the.." I look at the face again. "Why is she so familiar??" I mumble and the body moves. I jump up. "Ca--cayenne..." It moans. The voice. Its familiar. From where? " need to get out of here.." I suddenly realized who it was and I started crying. Tears kept rushing. "MOM!!" I scream and I crouch down hugging my nearly dead mother. " need to leave here..." She stops talking. Something stabbed her. "Arch!" I yell at him. "At least thats dead. You need to be more careful around here." "ARCH! THAT WAS MY MOM!!" I start crying more. "No..your mom is upstairs. She said she had some business to do.  What are you doing down here?" Arch had a straight face. "Who is that then?" My expression changed so quickly I freaked out. "Something probably Acnik created. Who knows." Arch smirks. "Well, we better get upstairs, you don't want our friends to worry." Arch smiles. "Yeah." I smile back at him.

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