Chapter 29

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"We haven't done anything for the past 2 hours! We're hopeless! We're never going to find Cayenne!" Lora yells still crying for the last 2 hours straight. "Hey guys? Something just went down the roof?" "Oww... that hurt.." Shy moans and looks up. "We just went down the roof!! Sorryyy! We broke your roof!!" Oasis mumbles. "Nah, its okay. It will be fixed soon. Plus, we have 8 dreamers dead lying on the ground when you guys got kidnapped." "Murderer!!" Titanium yells. "Well, there are now people in the house--" Eliseo looks around and Lora starts running. "CAYENNE! OMG I WAS SOOO WORRIED!!" Lora screams. "DUDE! YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED!!" I screamed at them. "So, you guys aren't worried about us? Okay.. thanks for saving us Cayenne, were just going to head back.." Shy says sadly. "You aren't scared of us, Royal Dreamers?" Eliseo points at the Royal Dreamers. "Nope, Acnik told us who you guys are. We are used to it." Titanium looks at him. "Wow. Okay then." June looks at me. "What?" I ask. "Mmmm, nothing. Just asking if your okay." I look at him confused. "Whatttt? When did you say that?" I look at him. "Nevermind." He whistles. "uhhh... okay then." I ask my friends a lot of questions. Since I was running out of breath, they had to tell me the whole story and some of the Royal Dreamers went into the kitchen to find something to eat. They came back and I told them what happened to me. Then we slept but someone woke me up. "Arch..? What are you doing? Its 11pm!" I rub my eyes and yawn. "Cayenne, I can't sleep." "Of course you can't sleep. You don't have a sleeping pill. Duh." "Thats not what I meant. I cant sleep because I'm sorry I had to get you into this mess. The heating burning thing, the wall thing." "It wasn't your fault, Arch, none of this was." "Cayz, it sorta is. I sat up that trap worried who else may have came along but you came strolling around that trap and fell into that trap." Now i was irritated. "Arch! Why did you set up that trap?? Why couldn't you have told me what was going on? What's wrong with you I could have died! How did Acnik get into the trap? And you had to wake me up for this stupid apology?? At 11! Really? Did you have to--" He kissed me. I pushed him away in shock. "I-I'm sorry. I know your June's but.. I like you, Cayz. I liked you since I saw you. Everyone has in the palace. Maybe besides Eliseo since he's king and everything but everyone loves you. June is the luckiest man on Dream. Plus, he is the sexiest man out there too. Sometimes, I wish I was him. Everyone loves you Cayz. I'm sorry I--" June touches my arm. "Cayz....Sleep with me.." June mumbled. He must be asleep. "June, Arch, I need to sleep. Literally . And alone please, June I--" Yea, great. "Cayz!" Arch whispers trying not to wake everyone up. June yanks me onto him and he hugs me tightly around the waist. "I told you everyone loves you." Arch laughs and takes a picture on my phone. "How did you get into my phone!? Hacker!" I whisper as well. "Mmmmmm, well, I already knew your password was four digits, and I think I know how to get into people's phones. Duh. I'm a technologyic." I think he made up that last word because there arent such things as that. Arch falls onto the ground and I catch my phone before he lands. He sleeps calmly. I take a picture of him and June wrapping his arms around me. Haha! They are going to get embarrassed in the morning when I show this to everyone! Man! It feels great to be a Prankster!

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