Author note

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Hi! So, this story is a Percy Jackson and Harry Potter crossover, but they don't really meet. That might seem confusing, but I thought the idea was interesting. Ok, before we start I want to say a couple of things.

First, the writing in the beginning is not high quality. That is on purpose because Percy is little and I want to match his 7 year old mind. The writing will get better as the story goes on. The first couple of chapters will also be kind of short.

Second, because Percy is a little boy at the beginning, he doesn't know about the gods. That said, he will refer to them by their appearance or smell. For example: Poseidon, a guy who smelled like the sea. Apollo, Mr. Bright-smile. Aphrodite, Miss pretty etc.

Third, The Dursleys will be in this, but they won't be necessarily evil. In order to read this you will need and open mind. Okay? Okay.

Fourth, I need a cover. I will not hold a contest. If you want more info, you can comment or PM me and I will give you more details.

And finally, If you actually read this, comment. I will dedicate the next chapter to the first person to comment (Even if you are not the first person, please still comment. I want to know how many people read authors notes).

P.S. This story is smelly Gabe free because I said so.

P.P.S. This authors note is 250 words long.

An edit from the year 2024:
To anyone who is only starting to read this story now, I appreciate you more than you know. I started writing this story like 5+ (6? 7? who knows) years ago. Don't worry— I have every intention of finishing it. I just wanted to let you know that this work was started wayyyy before the TV adaptation of Percy Jackson was even mentioned to the general public. I absolutely LOVE the show (go watch if you haven't yet!!!) and think the casting is amazing!  Everyone is doing such a phenomenal job, and I love the way they're adding to the characters and story. Having said that, I don't plan on changing how my characters are described. When I write, I base things entirely off of the books— BOTH FOR PERCY JACKSON AND FOR HARRY POTTER!!! So, my version of Percy still has black hair (and tan, non-white skin since that's how I pictured him when I originally read the book!). You'll  also be treated to my description of our very dear Harry, which does not fit the appearance of Daniel Radcliffe. This is not meant to be a criticism or judgement towards any of the actors in any way shape or form!! I simply use writing as a tool to share what I see in my head, and everything from house design, to specific hairstyles, to clothing is very detailed and specific in my minds eye. I really don't want to offend anyone or disrespect the amazing people who have put together the best TV show ever. Hopefully y'all can understand. Thank you!! <3 <3

(Also, now the authors note is 535 words long lol)

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