Chapter 11

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I woke up in a strangely familiar room, in a strangely familiar bed. I blinked a couple of times so my eyes could adjust to the sudden light, and looked at my surroundings. I noticed a familiar blob of blonde hair.

"Apollo!" I shouted, suddenly remembering, though I had never really forgotten. Apollo jumped up and sighed is obvious relief. He looked as though he had woken up from a nap. He launched into an explanation, and only half of it was English. He was speaking so fast, that I only caught a few of the words.

"You fainted......το μικρό.......everyone's mad at me......Γεια σου......I tried to warn them......το ποπ κορν Σκατά...Sorry." I nodded like I had understood him, but I had no idea what was going on.

(Please don't go translate the Greek. It's all really random stuff that doesn't actually add anything to the story).

"I'll go get you some breakfast, and then I need to call an Olympian meeting." Apollo continued. He had calmed down, so now I actually understood him. He jogged out of the room to get me food, which I really appreciated. I sat up slowly and suddenly realized that I really needed to pee.

Like REALLY needed to pee.

I scanned my surroundings for a bathroom, but couldn't see any in sight. I didn't want to wet my pant, because that would be very embarrassing. I started humming to myself, which was a way to take my mind off of the fact that I needed to pee. My mommy had taught me that. I whimpered at the thought of my mom, but I didn't cry, which I guess was an improvement. I climbed out of bed and started searching for a bathroom.

As I searched, I couldn't help feeling a sense of foreboding. If I didn't have to pee so bad, I would go back. I searched and I searched, but I could not find a bathroom. Finally, I gave up, sat on the floor and peed my pants. Miraculously, my pants stayed dry, but I was too nervous to try and figure out why. I stood up and tried to find my way back to the room I had woken up in.

As I turned a nearby corner, I saw a beautiful lady. She was looking in a mirror, and didn't notice me. Until, of course, I tripped over air and scraped my knee.

Her head turned towards me faster than you could say 'oops'. However, instead of getting mad, she squealed like a piglet.

"Awww, Poseidon! You are soooooo cute as a 4 year old." She ran over to me and helped me up. I looked down at my knee. I was bleeding. The lady followed my gaze down to my knee, and her eyes widened.

"Wait just one second. You're not Poseidon! But you look just like him! You must be his son."

Oh, my dad's name must be Poseidon, the chap everyone keeps mistaking me for. Great! Now I no longer have to refer to him as my dad! As I was distracted, the lady had moved forward and sat down next to me. She smiled a flawless smile and said,

"Hello, Son Of Poseidon, I am Aphrodite. What are you doing here?" I wasn't sure how to answer, so I just shrugged. Aphrodite blinked and stood up. She glanced up at the sky, looked back down and scooped me up.

"I have been called to an Olympian meeting, I suppose you should come with me so you aren't all alone on Olympus." I nodded to act like had understood, and just sat limp in her arms.

Now, I know it's rude to stare, but I couldn't help myself. Aphrodite's face seemed to shift. It was like her body couldn't decide what would look prettiest. She caught me staring at her and smiled. I looked away, embarrassed.

After what seemed like a long walk, we arrived in a familiar room. It was the room with the big chairs. Aphrodite whispered,

"This is the throne room, where we hold our meetings." I nodded thankful for this piece of information.

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