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Thoat, and her poofy blonde hair was tangled into knots as she shuffled under the covers.

I crept to the side of her bed, and stared at her as my hand glided across her nightstand. Her alarm clock shone, giving her room an eerie green glow, shining on the glass dolls, sending chills down my spine.

When my hand found nothing on the nightstand, I scoffed and pulled open the single drawer underneath the tabletop.

I sifted through the contents, and scowled. A toothbrush, a bottle opener, a screwdriver... and... moldy pizza? I slammed the drawer closed and shook my head in disgust.

It was then that Vivian shot up, her eyes wide as she stared at me. I held both hands up in defence, never leaving her gaze.

"Vivian, I-" I began, but she collapsed back into bed, and continued snoring. I stood there for a minute, frozen in fear, hoping she doesn't remember that.

My breathing slowed, and I searched the room with my eyes.

Where would Vivian put a priceless necklace?

I scanned Vivian's bed with my eyes, and noticed something sparkly around her neck. I slammed my hand on my forehead.

Of course.

I crept to the bed, praying that she doesn't wake up, and slid my hand under the silver chain, pulling apart the clasp, and pulling it away from her neck.

She jerked a little, but not enough to shake me. I palmed the necklace, and examined it. I realised, I never really looked at it, except for that time in the library, when I was rudely interrupted...

I smiled to myself.

Suddenly, a white hand flashed in front of me and snatched the necklace, causing me to tremble violently.

"What are you doing here?" A voice asked in the darkness. I looked up to see Vivian sitting up on her bed, holding the amulet with both hands. She eyed me, shock and surprise in her voice. "Were you sneaking the necklace back?" She asked suspiciously.

"I... uhh... I..." I studdered, my eyes darting around the room.

Vivian raised her eyebrow.

"I can't believe you would do this," she said, dissapointed. "You're a good kid, Celeste. You shouldn't need to do this."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Vivian. I need that amulet or... the Earth will explode!" At least I wasn't lying.

Vivian snarled at me, and tightened her grip around my necklace.

"You've brought this upon yourself," She mumbled, her voice a low growl. "Get out." She pointed toward the door, eyeing me.

I bolted out the door, stopping at the door to peer behind my shoulder. Vivian stuffed the necklace in her drawer, and grumbled to herself before slipping back into bed.

I trudged down the dim-litted hall, and the lights flickered slightly.

I stopped suddenly, and sank to my knees, my face buried in my hands.

I'm powerless. I'm useless. I let everyone down.

I felt my heart fall into my stomach and my ribs collapse in on themselves. My whole head felt like a balloon, about to pop any second.

I am nothing without my powers.

I stopped to look up at the wall, and I felt a hot tear roll down my cheek.

My racing mind stopped dead in its tracks when a single thought paralised me.

Is this how Mason felt? That we didn't need him?

I wiped my slow tears and stood up, my feet planted into the ground.

I will get my amulet back.

And with that single boost of confidence, I marched down the hall, anger and scorn crossing my face.

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