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Every day for the past week, and everyone was pretty strong in their powers.

But this secret was killing me.

I marched into astronomy, ready to face Mr. Thomas about this 'evil force disturbing the galaxy' thing.

"Mr. Thomas, you have to tell them." I said gravely, leaning over him as he sat in his desk.

"Okay, I will." He nooded.



"Right now."


I made a face at him and turned around, walking back to my desk. Once I got there, I slouched in my chair and glared at him reeeaaal hard.

"Hi, Celeste!" Kayla screamed in my ear.

"Hey, Kayla!" I greeted.

"Are we training today? I think I can blast anything at will." She said confidently, punching the air in front of her.

"I don't know, actually." I admitted. Mr. Thomas is going to have to tell them sometime.

When the whole class arrived, Mr. Thomas stood in the front of the room, sheepishly.

"So, I have some news," he began. "There are... some disturbances in the galaxy. Someone is coming, and we don't really know when. But we do know that you all need to be ready. The planets depend on it."

The whole class silenced. They were afraid. And when I looked at Mason, he was panicked. His eyes were wide, and his hand was twitching. I'd be scared too, if I was told to save the galaxy with no powers, and no protection.

I took his shaking hand, and nodded at him for encouragement.

He smiled at me, but it was very unsteady, and unsure.

Mr. Thomas inhaled heavily. "We need to train very hard. We don't know what we're up against. If we focus hard, we can defeat them. Just stay positive." Mr. Thomas stopped there, and let the class take it in.

Whispers filled the room, and frightened faces froze.

I turned to my left and realized Kayla was no longer sitting next to me, and was standing in the front of the room.

"We can do this," she encouraged. "If we all stick together. Celeste has been working her butt off training us, and I'm sure we could take on any bad guy because, to be honest, no planet could survive on it's own. We need eachother. We need Tessa. We need Emma. We need Fin. We especially need you, Mason. Because when we're together, we can beat whoever we want. But we need everyone in on this."

The room was silent for a moment. Everyone was probably thinking over their options.

Genevieve raised her hand. "I'll do it,"

"Me, too."

"I will too."

This went on until everyone had raised their hand and agreed. Except Mason.

We all stared at him, waiting desperately for his answer.

"I'm not strong enough," he muttered, not moving his frightened eyes from his desk.

"Yes, you are." Kayla argued.

"No, I'm not. I'm don't have super strength, I'm not bulletproof. But you guys, you guys can do and be those things. I don't belong here."

I made a face at him.

"How could you say that?" I asked, disgusted.

"Celeste, I don't have powers. How could I help you?" He asked me.

"Mason, you are as important as any of us. We need you," I bit my lip. This was gonna sound cheesy, but that didn't make it less true. "Mason, I need you."

Mason looked me over, and thought about it. His eyes were coated with fear. He trembled, and stared at me.

"Celeste, I'm scared." He muttered.

It felt as if I was looking at him for the first time. I hadn't seen him like this. He looked genuinely afraid.

I reached over and hugged his neck, and fear began to absorb me, too.

"Everything will be fine. We can protect eachother. I'll never leave your side." I whispered to him, but I knew he was still afraid.

I had forgotten that the whole class was watching in silence, even Mr. Thomas.

I let go of him awkwardly, gazing at the class, and returned to a casual position.

But Mason only looked at me.

"Thanks, Sunspot," He whispered, and smiled at me. He then looked to the class. "I'll do it." He announced, and everyone cheered.

"Than what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Kayla yelled and the whole class ran out the door to the football field.

So, there they were, running through the halls, and screaming their heads off. They're idiots.

But they were the most wonderful idiots I've ever met.

I smiled to myself, and sprinted down the hall after them.

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